TOP 10 FACTS ABOUT THE CELTS By Edwin Allbrook – 3CR
The Celts lived in the Iron Age It came after the Bronze Age
The iron age started at least 600 years before Jesus was born and ended 43 years after his birth
There were 3 different types of Celts The Brythonic – Cornwall and Wales The Gaelic – Ireland and Scotland The Gaulic – France and other places
Celts used Iron to make swords and spears
They lived in round houses made of straw and mud
People today still speak celtic languages like Welsh and Gaelic
Celts built hill forts to look out for enemies
The Celts used berries and plants to dye their clothes lots of different colours
Queen Boudica was a famous celtic warrior who was very brave
The Romans invaded Britain in 43AD(that is 43 years after Christ was born) and took over the Celts and built towns