Mapping Memories of the Tokushima Air Raids Austin Smith PhD candidate in Modern History, School of History, University of St Andrews.


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Presentation transcript:

Mapping Memories of the Tokushima Air Raids Austin Smith PhD candidate in Modern History, School of History, University of St Andrews.

Figure 1: The extent of raids by B-29s during the closing stages of the Asia-Pacific War. (Source: Z. F. Shelton, The Pacific: Matterhorn to Nagasaki June 1944 to August 1945 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1953)

Figure 2: Tokushima and surrounding regions.

Figure 3: The city of Tokushima, Shiroyama and the Yoshino River viewed from Bizan (1907). (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 4: Flight paths of missions and Tokushima viewed by radar. (Source: 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report )

Figure 5: Instructions for lighting the home issued by Tokushima City Government, (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 6: The “Bucket Brigade” training to fight fires in Tokushima, (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 7: Areas within mainland Japan from where people are recorded to have returned to Tokushima prior to the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Figure 8: Recorded instances of bombing before and after the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Figure 9: Areas within East Asia from where people are recorded to have returned to Tokushima prior to the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Figure 10: Recorded sources of knowledge exchange and rumour. (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Figure 11: Reconnaissance photograph of Tokushima taken in March (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 12: Reconnaissance photograph of Tokushima taken on 5 July (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 13: The extent of the damage caused by the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 14: Approximate locations of accounts of the Tokushima air raids (Municipal). (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Figure 15: Approximate locations of accounts of the Tokushima air raids (Prefectural). (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Figure 16: The Sako area in the aftermath of the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 17: Commonly recorded routes of escape and sites of survival on the night of the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Figure 18: The Shinmachi, Tomida and Uchimachi areas in the aftermath of the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 19: The Teramachi and Shinmachi areas viewed from Mt. Bizan in the aftermath of the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 20: The Nishi-Shinmachi area in the aftermath of the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 21: The only structures left standing in the Nishi-Senba and Nishi- Shinmachi areas were the burnt out shells of “Western-style” buildings made from reinforced concrete. (Source: The Great Tokushima Air Raid Digital Archive – 徳島大空襲デジタルアーカイブ )

Figure 22: Sites where medical aid and food are recorded to have been provided in the immediate aftermath of the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Data source: 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )

Source: 月光の夏 - 戦火に消えた一人の乙女の物語, 語り継ごう徳島大空襲 (2010). 「どうやってもこの戦争は負けだ。野戦 部隊の衛生隊に血清も無い麻酔も無い状 態では、兵員の消耗が早くて戦えないし 負ける戦に生命はかけられぬ。私は無事 に部下を復員させるのを将校として、そ して人間としての義務として行動す る。」

Figure 23: Recorded movement of displaced people in the aftermath of the Great Tokushima Air Raid. (Data source: Kataritsugou Tokushima Daikūshū – 語り継ごう 徳島大空襲 )