When you encounter an unfamiliar word in your reading, one way to figure out the meaning is to use context clues. Context clues are hints about the meaning of an unknown word that may be found in the words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that surround that unknown word.
Look at this example: And it was wet and muddy from little rivulets of water that bled from the side of the cliff. To figure out the meaning of rivulets, look for clues in the surrounding words and ideas in the sentence. The sentence says that the rivulets of water “bled” from the cliff. This helps you imagine water flowing from the cliff in the same way that blood flows from a cut or scrape on your arm; the blood looks like a running stream. Combining this image with the word ‘little,” you can imagine that rivulets might be little streams.
Locate the following words in “The Ravine” in your online text: winced (lines 35-39), scoffed (lines ), and parallel (lines ) Highlight each word. Reread the surrounding words and sentences, looking for clues to the word’s meaning. Underline any clues you find, such as examples, synonyms, or antonyms. Review your annotations and try to infer the word’s meaning.