CPI Users Group Conference September 2011 R Scott Trent Designated Federal Officer FBI CJIS Division
National Crime Information Center 12.1 million active records Record day – July 29, 2011 Transactions – > 9.7 million Average response time -- .05 seconds
National Instant Criminal Background Check System NICS achieved the 134 millionth check the week of August 8, 2011 NICS has visibility of FBI Director, Attorney General, and the White House
Law Enforcement Online Over 54,000 active members Nearly 1,400 Special Interest Groups 1,038 Virtual Command Centers (VCCs) in active and standby status System enhancements and upgrades VCC enhancements Service Provider under FIMS NCMEC Banner “My SIGs”
Uniform Crime Reporting UCR’s crime statistics serve law enforcement administration, operation, and management; officer safety training; and research Three annual FBI reports: Crime in the United States Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) Hate Crime Statistics
Law Enforcement National Data Exchange Information sharing across jurisdictions Accesses submitted police, corrections, probation and parole reports Searches for common details: powerful entity resolution and correlation tools Analysis and trending capabilities
Legacy UCR Current UCR system deployed – early 1970s Relies heavily upon manual processes Paper submissions and paper analysis – obstacles to modernization
Uniform Crime Reporting Redevelopment Project (UCRRP) UCRRP Goal To improve UCR usability, efficiency, and maintainability while increasing the value to users of UCR products UCRRP Objectives Automate rules-based data quality checks Enable more frequent publication Provide Internet access to UCR data Reduce/eliminate the exchange of printed materials Modernize technology
UCRRP Development and Integration Platinum Solutions – awarded contract 12/2010 Conducted market studies to examine solution alternatives from law enforcement, industry, and other government agencies Platinum Solutions partnered with Oracle Oracle Business Intelligence suite of tools Highly configurable COTS solution that meets FBI needs and requires minimal customization Positions UCR for future enhancements including Geographic Information Systems and Predictive Analytics
Oracle Business Intelligence Stack
Development Project Timeline
Volume of Paper Submissions Each year, the FBI receives and processes nearly 200,000 paper submissions. This manual entry consumes nearly 30,000 hours and adds significant delay to our processing of data. No State Program
UCRRP – Eliminate Paper Submitting Agency Options Eliminate “paper” data submissions as a standard collection method by January 2013 X Submitting Agency Options Migrate to one of several electronic UCR reporting formats, including NIBRS, electronic Summary, or XML beginning in 2013 Utilize UCR web data entry tools for Summary reporting Utilize FBI developed MS Excel Summary reporting tools
How can the FBI help states participate with UCR? State Programs UCR solutions vary from state to state Many are not integrated with a state RMS Many are custom applications with limited or no vendor support Mainframe, custom apps, MS Excel, MS Access, etc. Budget cuts are limiting state UCR operations Funding is scarce for making system changes States bear the cost of “unfunded mandates” Shrinking state operations staff is commonplace How can the FBI help states participate with UCR?
UCR Shared Solution Sharing UCR via an online solutions – allows data submitters to collect, analyze, edit, report on, approve, and submit UCR data to the FBI Leverages the UCRRP SOA and Oracle solution Decreases variability in state reporting formats Decreases federal/state data inconsistencies Provides avenue for states wanting to go NIBRS Makes best use of funding for mandated changes May encourage direct contributor states (IN, MS, OH, NM) to establish state programs Web service interface potential with RMS Trial the Shared Solution concept with South Carolina
State/Federal UCR Solution State Users would have access to state data only. Solution would be configurable for some state variability and state identity. CJIS Services Shared UCR 5 4 3 CJIS CSMU Some LEAs send data to State Program. Some LEAs submit data via the UCR State Portal. The State Program submits and manages aggregate data via the UCR State Portal. State Program decides when to approve data for submission. CJIS CSMU reviews, analyzes, and publishes data. State Program Coordinators 1 2 LEAs
Biometric Technology Center BTC and existing CJIS complex
Biometric Center of Excellence (BCOE) The BCOE is the FBI’s program for exploring and advancing the use of new and enhanced biometric technologies and capabilities for integration into operations
Biometric Focus Areas Rapid DNA Facial Recognition / Identification Enhancing Fingerprint Technology and Scientific Underpinnings Image-Based Searching of Tattoos
NGI Implementation Schedule Advanced Technology Workstations Replace obsolete hardware Provide high resolution of biometrics Initial Operational Capability Identification Fingerprint Search Capability More accurate searches Better support for rolled/flat processing RISC and Initial NGI Infrastructure Repository for Individuals of Special Concern (RISC) Rapid mobile searches RISC Web Services Palms and Latents Investigative Palm Print search capabilities National Palm Print repository Latent Enhancements Unsolved Latent File cascaded searches Rapid DHS CBP response Rap Back, Facial, Photo/SMT Search Capabilities Improved Response Times Facial and SMT searches IAFIS Functionality Replaced Verification Enhanced Interoperability Disposition type of transactions Web Services Iris Pilot Trade Study Report Conduct Iris Pilot based on trade study results Technology Refreshment Increment 0 Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment 3 Increment 4 Increment 5 Increment 6 Complete Complete Complete In Progress In Progress In Progress 2010 2014
Initial Operating Capability (Increment 1) Advanced Fingerprint Identification Technology (AFIT) Deployment Replaced the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) segment of IAFIS Status: Deployed 02/25/2011 Successfully completed a parallel run with AFIS Resulting Benefits: Increases fingerprint search accuracy to over 99% Improves flat fingerprint searching Advanced matching algorithms
AFIT Successes AFIT identified criminal subjects with current charges of: Additionally, during civil background investigations, AFIT identified subjects with prior charges of: Assault with a Deadly Weapon Masked Armed Robbery Immigration violation Murder in the 1st degree Manslaughter Assault on Police Fugitive from Justice Harboring Aliens Smuggling Aliens Felony Abduction
Repository for Individuals of Special Concern (RISC) Status: Deployed 08/25/2011 Resulting Benefits: Supports mobile fingerprint identification operations on a national level Biometric searches of the worst of the worst – wanted persons, known or appropriately suspected terrorists, sex offenders, and persons of special interest Provides the “Street Cop” the ability to quickly assess subject’s threat level
RISC Pilot Transition States(Live) – 375 total agencies States(Test): Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation Texas Department of Public Safety (Houston PD) Florida Department of Law Enforcement Maryland Department of Public Safety Georgia Bureau of Investigation Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension States(Test): California Department of Justice RISC Pilot Totals: Approximately 500,000 searches, 6.16% hit rate
Establishes the National Palm Print System Palm Prints, Latents, and Rapid Response Establishes the National Palm Print System Status: Completed successful Final Design Review Target Deployment - Spring 2013 Collected 2.6 million Palm Prints to date EBTS 9.3 – Developed and in the review cycle Resulting Benefits: Enables palm prints to be searched across the U.S. Palm prints have the potential of 30% higher conviction rates Provides rapid response for DHS Customs and Border Protection transactions More latent identifications to support terrorist and violent crime investigations Upgraded Universal Latent Workstation software
Rap Back, Facial, SMT Search Capabilities, Migration of Remaining IAFIS Functionality Status: Rap Back Facial Search Text based scars, marks, and tattoo (SMT) searches Enhanced Interoperability Fingerprint verification services Improved response times Target Deployment - Summer 2014 Resulting Benefits Enhance public safety National level investigative searches of photos/SMTs More accurate and complete criminal history records Flexible and scalable architecture for future needs
NGI Face Pilot Face matching system will be available December 2011 8.5 million Local/State/Federal searchable photos at deployment Focus on contributor image quality Universal Facial Workstation software Currently soliciting participation MOU with Michigan Working with Washington, Florida, North Carolina and California Contact (304) 625-3437 for more information
Rap Back Activities Reviewing Best Practices and Lessons Learned Currently identified 30 states with Rap Back business lines Strategic discussions to align with a national implementation Identifying Policy Focus Areas Going Forward Engage Law Enforcement Partners Continue working with Subject Matter Experts
FBI/CJIS Designated Federal Officer Questions? R Scott Trent FBI/CJIS Designated Federal Officer