해외저널에 논문게재하기 고려대학교 이상민 “scholarly work is rooted in the lively exchange of ideas – conversation at its best” (Huff 1999)
논문작성 참고문헌 찾기 – 예시 ( – ERIC (education journals) – Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe (business, government, medical, legal...) – Newspaper Abstracts (25 major newspapers) – PsychINFO (social sciences) – EBSCO database – Web of Science (science, social science, arts and literature citations)
참고문헌의 수준 Primary: Peer Reviewed journal articles Secondary: Not peer reviewed Primary Secondary
Levels of Peer Reviewed Information Primary: original research Secondary: review articles Tertiary: textbooks, summaries Primary Secondary Tertiary
Primary Peer Reviewed Literature Original Research
Secondary Peer Reviewed Sources
EBSCO Fields Author Title Date Type of publication Journal, Volume, Issue Page numbers Abstract Institution A lot of cataloging numbers
Tips Find one good article Look at authors & heading Pick similar articles Search same authors and terms Use Related Articles in EBSCO
좋은 아티클 찾기 Recent Applicable Relevant Good research criteria Not just first full text article you find
아티클 형식 - APA Style Margins 1”, top, bottom, left and right 8 ½ X 11 inch white paper Portrait orientation Font: Times New Roman, 12 point References Alpay, L., & Russell, A. (2002). Information technology training in primary care: the nurses' voice. Comput Inform Nurs, 20(4), Balen, R. M., & Jewesson, P. J. (2004). Pharmacist computer skills and needs assessment survey. J Med Internet Res, 6(1), 11.
출판할 저널 고르기
저널을 고를 때 고려해야 할 점 Is your paper of very general interest/ significance? Or is it of more interest to a specialist group? Is your paper of very general interest/ significance? Or is it of more interest to a specialist group? If the former, your work might be appropriate for a high-impact generalist journal; if the latter, it may be appropriate to target a good quality specialist journal If the former, your work might be appropriate for a high-impact generalist journal; if the latter, it may be appropriate to target a good quality specialist journal
언제 저널을 선정해야 하는가 ? Before you even start the research. It is far more important to ask a good question than exhaustively answer a question nobody cares about. If you are addressing an issue widely perceived as important, your chances of being published in a "high-impact" journal are far greater from the outset.
편집자가 원하는 게 무엇인가 ? They want well-written submissions that: They want well-written submissions that: – Conform to all the journals format requirements. All modern journals have web pages from which you can access/download information ("Instructions for Authors") All modern journals have web pages from which you can access/download information ("Instructions for Authors") Most good journal receive many more submissions that they can publish. Thus, the editors can usually afford to be very choosy. Most good journal receive many more submissions that they can publish. Thus, the editors can usually afford to be very choosy.
게재 절차 All quality journals use a form of the "peer review process"All quality journals use a form of the "peer review process" You submit your manuscript (on-line for many journals) - Example You submit your manuscript (on-line for many journals) - Example The journal sends you an acknowledgement of receipt (often an ) - Example The journal sends you an acknowledgement of receipt (often an ) - Example
제출 후 얼마나 기다려야 하는가 ? Wait 1-2 weeks or wait 2-3 months while the manuscript is reviewed by 2-3 external reviewersWait 1-2 weeks or wait 2-3 months while the manuscript is reviewed by 2-3 external reviewers
The editor and the editorial board consider the reviews and contact you with a decision I’m not sure about this..... Then….
가능한 결과 (i) Rejection first the tears then the anger “the most common cause of outright rejection …. is that the paper is not suited to the journal” (Day 1996)
You will need to work your way past this stage… Around about now this could look attractive…
Rejected? Editors are supposed to act as "informed judges", weighing up the strengths of your arguments against any criticisms raised by the reviewers However, when editors are stretched for time and the reviewers are unpaid "experts" of variable quality, the peer review process may treat your manuscript with "cavalier disregard"
게재불가시 대안은 ? Move on to the next journal (incorporate changes to counter any criticisms encountered) Move on to the next journal (incorporate changes to counter any criticisms encountered) If you have a case, write to the editor with a calm, clear and fact-centered rebuttal of the criticisms (good luck) If you have a case, write to the editor with a calm, clear and fact-centered rebuttal of the criticisms (good luck) If not satisfied with the editor's response to your rebuttal, write to the Managing Editor If not satisfied with the editor's response to your rebuttal, write to the Managing Editor
좋은 결과 You are requested to submit a revised manuscript (this is good!) You are requested to submit a revised manuscript (this is good!) You obtain unqualified acceptance (go buy a lottery ticket!) You obtain unqualified acceptance (go buy a lottery ticket!)