Topic : Privacy and Anonymity
Definition Privacy is the ability of individuals and groups to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information about themselves is shared with others. At its extreme, privacy becomes anonymity when, for instance, a person uses it to conceal his or her true identity in order to cyber-bully someone else. Conversely, excessive privacy could also conceal the perpetrators of criminal, terrorist or computer hacking acts from law enforcement agencies.
More about privacy The main type of privacy that is at risk on the internet is informational privacy. Privacy is a big issue any place where personally identifiable information is stored. This information includes, but is not limited to, financial and medical records, gender and ethnicity, political orientation, residence, and even biological traits. Various Security measures can be enacted in order to maintain privacy and keep information secure.
Miscellaneous ways to remain anonymous on the Internet. Usage of proxy servers. Devices such as rerouters. Usage of technology such as TOR (The Onion Router). Even common people can afford privacy by using firewalls and private browsing.
Controversies Privacy and anonymity can also lead to controversies especially with organizations with internal policies. Hackers often cover their identity and excuse themselves in the name of anonymity.
Bibliography Compiled notes by Swapnil Sahoo