{ Why Abortion Should Be Banned 56 Million Lost and Counting
The first abortion clinic opened in Buffalo, New York. In the mid 1800’s there were laws making abortion illegal. Between 1967 and 1973 most states repealed their criminal abortion laws. In 1973 the court case Roe vs. Wade made safe, legal abortions possible. History of Abortion
Only 1% of surviving rape victims had abortions. Only 12% of woman had health complications that, if child was conceived, would hinder their health. 75% of woman said having a baby would interfere with their everyday lives. Statistics
Abortion can lead to birth defects for future children. Abortion can lead to a higher risk of breast cancer. Woman who get abortions are more likely to suffer physcological trauma. Woman who have had abortions are more likely suicidal. What about the Mother?
The definition of something living is anything that has the ability to grow. The abortion ends the growing process, therefore ending the future life of the unborn child. God grants life and He is the only one who should be allowed to take it away.
The classic Hippocratic Oath states: “… I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy.” The original Oath says: “I will not give a pessary to cause an abortion. Doctors are suppose to save lives not end them.
Amendment 14 states that you shall not deprive anyone of their life. God says “Thou shall not kill.” You’re getting away with murder.
93% of woman regret having their abortion. The mother faces physical and mental problems. Doctors are violating their duties to preserve life. You are murdering an innocent child. Conclusion