My momma says I should “change” my shirt before she “flips” her lid! © Mike’s Math Mall
Sparky doesn’t remember what he had for breakfast!
Or you can “cross-cancel” to simplify:
Now I remember how to multiply fractions! And that cross-cancelling thing is sweet! Can we do another one… pleeeease?
I’m a big leaguer!
I tried to simplify my sister once. Momma cross-cancelled that plan!
I did great! But what about dividing fractions with whole numbers? Ok! But will this take long? Four words… Burrito Factory… free samples.
2 1 Some free, spicy, beefy burrito samples! Hey, that wasn’t so bad! Do you smell that? What? Veryfunny!
I’m always trying to remember to not hold in my sneezes. Have you seen the size of my head? © Mike’s Math Mall