Do Now 11/20 or 11/21 Period 5 Using the information you have learned from this unit and the Industrial Revolution Art lecture, decorate your cover page starring yourself as a worker in the I.R. using either a Classical, Romantic, or Realist style.
#3 Why Great Britain Led the Industrial Revolution I. Geography Climate good for textile production Climate good for textile production Plenty of natural resources such as iron and coal Plenty of natural resources such as iron and coal Separation from the European continent kept them out of wars Separation from the European continent kept them out of wars
Why Great Britain Led the Industrial Revolution II. Government Internal trade encouraged Population allowed to relocate Helped build canals and roads
Why Great Britain Led the Industrial Revolution III. Social Factors British society less rigid than other European countries British society less rigid than other European countries
Why Great Britain Led the Industrial Revolution IV. Colonial Empire Supplied raw material for manufactured goods Provided market for goods
Why Great Britain Led the Industrial Revolution V. Advantages of Industrializing First No other countries competing for manufactured goods No other countries competing for manufactured goods Monopoly on technology Monopoly on technology
Do Now 11/22/13 Besides food, water, clothing and family, what are five things you cannot live without? Why?
# 4 Iron and Coal: Energy for the Industrial Revolution I. Why was iron needed? A. Farming tools, new factory machinery, railways, etc. A. Farming tools, new factory machinery, railways, etc. B. Smelting makes iron more pure but B. Smelting makes iron more pure but requires carbon (found in coal)
II. Why was coal needed? A. Coal necessary for smelting iron A. Coal necessary for smelting iron B. Steam engine powered by coal B. Steam engine powered by coal III. What were the effects of Iron and Coal? A. Britain produced more iron than all other countries combined. A. Britain produced more iron than all other countries combined. B. Coal powered Britain’s enormous navy B. Coal powered Britain’s enormous navy
#4 Continued: Transportation I. Why was better transport needed? A. Increased production increased the need to transport goods quickly A. Increased production increased the need to transport goods quickly B. Pre-industrial methods (horses & oxen) were too slow B. Pre-industrial methods (horses & oxen) were too slow
Transportation II. What inventions improved transportation? A. Stone and asphalt roads A. Stone and asphalt roads B. Canals B. Canals C. Railroads era ushered in with the Rocket in 1829 C. Railroads era ushered in with the Rocket in 1829
Transportation III. What were the effects of the Railroad? A. Expanded rapidly throughout Britain A. Expanded rapidly throughout Britain B. Cheaper transportation increased production and profit B. Cheaper transportation increased production and profit C. Railways fueled other industries: coal, steam engines, iron, steel, etc. C. Railways fueled other industries: coal, steam engines, iron, steel, etc.
#5: Rise of Labor I. Industrial Working Class A. New class of worker never seen before 1. Worked hours 2. Poor & unsafe conditions 3. No minimum wage B. Child Labor 1. Cheaper to employ 2. Worked long hour C. Rise of Unions (organization of workers) 1. Worked to improve conditions and wages 2. Outlawed in the beginning 3. Common today
II. Rise of Socialism A. Idea developed by Karl Marx A. Idea developed by Karl Marx B. The idea that the whole society (government) owns and operates important parts of the economy. B. The idea that the whole society (government) owns and operates important parts of the economy. C. Goals of Socialism C. Goals of Socialism 1. Would improve conditions and wages 1. Would improve conditions and wages 2. A more equal distribution of wealth 2. A more equal distribution of wealth