Title I Family Night The Annual Title I Family Night was held on October 21. The evening, themed “Reading is Magic”, featured a magician, student readers, prizes and FUN! Title I is a federally funded reading program developed to meet the academic needs of students.
District Celebrates Red Ribbon Week District Judge Carolyn Bengel led elementary students in the pledge to be “drug-free”. All district schools were involved in promoting the Red Ribbon Drug-Free Campaign.
Did you know? Highlands School District uses the One Call Now System The system allows the District to notify parents and emergency contacts about school delays, snow delays and cancellations, and emergencies.
“Spooktacular” Storytelling In October, Middle School students researched and prepared Halloween stories for elementary students. The event was coordinated by librarians Laurie Malcolm and Amy Eidenshink, and middle school English teachers Kate Keenan and Kala Wilhelm.
District residents are invited to use the High School pool during our free recreational evening swim program. October 26, 2009 – April 29, 2010 Mondays & Wednesdays – Family Swim, 6:30-8:30 pm Tuesdays & Thursdays – Adult Swim, 6:30-8:30 pm Swim lessons begin January 5. Contact Katie McCue at L P The Is Open!
Congratulations,Fawn! Fawn Elementary was one of 114 Title I schools to receive a $5,000 Title I Academic Achievement Award for a 25% improvement in math & reading on the PSSA tests. Principal Kathleen Shirey will attend the Title I Improving Schools Performance Conference to accept the award and present Fawn’s accomplishments. Congratulations!
Halloween at Highlands…A FaBOOlous Sight!
Swim Team Hosts Swim-A-Thon Proceeds benefit a Highlands student who has cancer. Saturday, November 21, am – 11 am at the Highlands High School Pool The swimmers will complete as many as 200 laps as sponsors, families and friends join together to help a district family with medical and other expenses for cancer treatment. Those who would like to sponsor a swimmer or make a flat donation to the fundraiser can contact Mrs. Christine Masarik at or swim team Ms. Kathy Black at or All proceeds will benefit the family. Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events Nov. 18 – Heights Talent Show, 6:30 pm – GRV Aud. Nov. 21 – Grandview Fall Craft Show, 9 am- 2 pm - GRV Nov. 25 – Half Day for Students; Gold Card Luncheon – 11 am (HS) Nov. 26, 27, 30 – Thanksgiving Break - SCHOOLS CLOSED Dec. 1 – School Board Reorganization Meeting, 7 pm, HS Library The Holiday Concert Season will begin soon! Check the school website and calendar for event details!
Visit our district website for school information, announcements, events and news features!