Welcome Parents! 6 th Grade Chorus 6 th Grade General Music Mr. Hommez
“Music is an essential part of everything we do. Music has an abstract quality that speaks to a worldwide audience in a wonderful way that nourishes the soul." “Music is an essential part of everything we do. Music has an abstract quality that speaks to a worldwide audience in a wonderful way that nourishes the soul." Jim Henson- film/television producer and puppeteer
Meet the Teacher My Musical Background My Musical Background Voice, piano, trumpet, musical theater, opera, choral singing Voice, piano, trumpet, musical theater, opera, choral singing My Educational Background My Educational Background BME, The University of Northern Iowa BME, The University of Northern Iowa MA, Teachers College, Columbia University MA, Teachers College, Columbia University
Meet the Teacher My Family My Family Wife, Jennifer; two children, Elise (7) and Audrey (5) Wife, Jennifer; two children, Elise (7) and Audrey (5) Hobbies/Interests Hobbies/Interests Traveling, Cycling, Camping, Theater, Concerts, Playing the piano and singing (of course!) Traveling, Cycling, Camping, Theater, Concerts, Playing the piano and singing (of course!)
Meet the Teacher Teaching Experience Teaching Experience 15 th year of music teaching in the public schools 15 th year of music teaching in the public schools I have taught PreK-12, general music, choral music and instrumental music. I have taught PreK-12, general music, choral music and instrumental music. I love being a middle school teacher! I love being a middle school teacher!
Meet the Teacher A few thoughts on music teaching… A few thoughts on music teaching… EVERY child can benefit from musical experience. EVERY child can benefit from musical experience. EVERY child can experience success in music class. EVERY child can experience success in music class. I will expect the best from EVERY student. I will expect the best from EVERY student. I will do my best for EVERY child EVERY day. I will do my best for EVERY child EVERY day.
Meet the Teacher A few thoughts on music teaching… A few thoughts on music teaching… Students have more fun and learn more when engaged in active learning opportunities such as group activities/projects and performances. Students have more fun and learn more when engaged in active learning opportunities such as group activities/projects and performances. Whenever possible, I get the kids moving! Whenever possible, I get the kids moving! There are many opportunities for the students to lead activities. There are many opportunities for the students to lead activities.
6 th Grade Chorus
What happens during a chorus rehearsal? The 6 th grade chorus at Eastview meets every other day throughout the year. The choral music period is comprised of the following components: Do Now Assignment: Music Vocabulary Activities Listening examples, listening questions Music history, music theory Preparation for Singing:Vocal warm-ups (technique, breathing, rhythmic practice, ear training) Rhythmic and melodic sight reading exercises Concert Music Rehearsal:Preparation of music for semester concerts and other performances
Winter Concerts December 11 th Teams A and B (Periods 8 and 9) December 18 th Teams C and D (Periods 1 and 2) Students must report by 6:30 pm. The concert begins at 7:00 pm.
Spring Concerts May 21st Teams A and B (Periods 8 and 9) May 28th Teams C and D (Periods 1 and 2) Students must report by 6:30 pm. The concert begins at 7:00 pm.
Concert Attendance Students are expected to attend the winter and the Students are expected to attend the winter and the spring concerts. As a member of the chorus, the student is making a commitment to performing in the concert. Please plan ahead. We are counting on you! Please plan ahead. We are counting on you! If a serious illness or family emergency occurs at the If a serious illness or family emergency occurs at the last minute, please inform me as soon as possible. A concert absence without a valid excuse will A concert absence without a valid excuse will negatively impact the student’s grade in chorus.
Chorus Concert Dress Code Boys: Black shoes- no sneakers Black socks Black dress pants Long sleeved solid white dress shirt Long necktie Girls: Black dress shoes (no high heels) Black skirt or dress pants (skirts must be at least knee length) Solid white dress shirt (shoulders covered) No dangling earrings
Chorus Grading Policy Participation40% Effort/Behavior20% Classwork/Assessment20% Performances20%
6 th Grade General Music
6 th Grade General Music Music Fundamentals (rhythm and melody) Vocal Music (choral music, opera, musical theater) Instrumental Music (instrument families, concert and marching bands, orchestra) World Music (music of other countries, West African Drumming) Music Technology (composing using GarageBand) Music Theory (musical notation, music reading skills)
General Music Grading Policy Participation20% Behavior20% Classwork40% Assessment20%
Chorus and General Music Resources SmartMusic GarageBand Music Express Magazine Music Alive Magazine Music Connection Textbook Series musictechteacher.com musictheory.net
Additional Musical Opportunities WCSMA Elementary All-County Chorus NYSSMA Solo and Major Ensembles Festivals Citywide Choral Festival Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival Eastview Talent Show Eastview Showcase
Chorus and General Music Webpage Chorus and General Music Webpage
Thank you!