+ Expanding Cultural Competency in the Wayne County SAFE Program Presented by Nick Sarchet, Agility Results, LLC Beyond Pink and Blue
+ Welcome Trainer Introduction Participant Introductions Name Role Share something you hope to gain from this training and interaction
+ The Words that Define Us The Words that Divide Us Terms and definitions are fluid People who transgress gender roles and stereotypes may or may not identify with these terms These words are offered as a way of opening a dialogue so that you can be aware and open to hearing differences in defining one’s own identity
+ Sex vs. Gender Biology Male Female Intersex Identity Man Woman Trans Other…
+ Sex Continuum FemaleMaleIntersex A variety of conditions in which a person is born with reproductive and/or sexual anatomy and/or chromosomes that don’t fit the typical definitions of female or male. XX vagina XY penis
+ Gender Continuum Woman Man Trans* Transgender: an umbrella term used to categorize people who’s identities do not easily fall within the bounds of female/woman or male/man. An identity generally associated with females. An identity generally associated with males.
+ Gender Identity Transgender Umbrella Cross-dresser Transvestite Drag Queen/King Bigender Androgynous Transgender Trans(s)exual GenderQueer Gender Bender Others?!
+ Breaking down the Trans Transgender Generally lives full-time in gender different from one assigned at birth May or may not alter body May or may not legally change name Trans(s)exual Pre-op Post-op Non-op FTM MTF
+ Continuums Sex Female Male Intersex Gender Identity Woman ManTrans… Gender Expression FeminineMasculineAndrogynous
+ Sexual Orientation Heterosexual - “straight” Lesbian/Gay Bisexual Pansexual Queer Questioning
+ Sexuality Continuums Male Sexual Attraction Female = StraightMale = Gay Both = Bi Female Sexual Attraction Female = LesbianBoth = BiMale = Straight Intersex?!Trans?!But what about :
+ Pansexuality and Queer Pansexuality Expanding on the idea of bisexuality Inclusive of all possible sexes and gender identities Queer An expansive term that can define ones sexual, gender, social, and/or political identities
+ Violence and the Trans Community See Fast Facts handout
+ Making Change Personal narrative The assault The reporting experience The examination Open discussion Q & A
+ Contact Information Nick Sarchet Feel free to contact me with questions, for resources, or with training requests.