Brines and Frazil ice formation by Jean-Claude Gascard UPMC/LOCEAN/CNRS/IPSL
Do we really know how sea ice forms? Is there only one way for sea-ice to form? What types of sea-ice? grease ice, nilas, slush, thin ice, frazil ice, Fast ice, Pack Ice, Deep ice FirstYI, SecondYI, MultiYI Brines and frost flowers
Sea-ice = sea water freezing in the mixed layer (top or bottom of the ML?) due to surface atmospheric forcing Sea-ice is depending on the equation of state of sea water thermodynamic equation for the mixed layer heat fluxes between ocean and atmosphere ( with or without sea ice + snow in between) Sea ice (salt water) versus lake ice (fresh water)
Surface temperature-salinity characteristics between 89°N and 87°N observed from the Polar Observer drifting towards Fram Strait during spring 2002 (April-June). The black line represents the freezing temperature for a given salinity.
Temperature and salinity vertical profiles observed during spring 2002 (April-June) from the Polar Observer drifting towards Fram Strait between 89°N and 87°N (Jean-Louis Etienne courtesy). A sharp salinity gradient appeared in the surface mixed layer at 88°30’N early May 2002.
Storfjord Kvalvagen Kapp Lee --21°E --78°N --21°E From Kvalvagen to Kapp Lee : ca. 100 km --78°N
77°N57 18°E40
Specific heat and heat of fusion of sea-ice Ono N. International Conference on low temperature science. Hokkaido 1967 Review of intrinsic thermophysical properties of snow, ice, sea-ice and frost. Yen Y.C., Cheng K.C., Fukusako S. 3rd international symposium on cold regions heat transfer. Fairbanks 1991.
TARA FRAM Copyright G. Redvers/taraexpeditions