1 Web Grading Tutorial Updated 8/18/2011
2 Web Grading Tutorial What is Web Grading? >How to submit midterm and final grades >Password protected >Enter through AccessEcc
Web Grading Tutorial Getting Started Go to the ECC Web Page, click on wording, AccessEcc, at the top right-hand side of the screen, orwww.elgin.edu Type, on the address line, 3
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>Click Log In at the top of the page Enter your User ID (example – jsmith0000) and your password. If you do not remember your UserID, click on Account Information on the upper right hand corner, follow the information. >First time users, Go to AccessEcc Click Account Information to obtain UserID, create a password. Log In, to your account. 5
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Once you Log In you should see this page Your name should appear in the middle of the page on the left, i.e. Welcome, John Smith Click on the Faculty box 7
Web Grading Tutorial >Click Grading 8
Web Grading Tutorial >Select a Term by clicking on the arrow >Do not enter Start or End Date >Click Submit 9
Web Grading Tutorial >Select Midterm or Final drop down menu. >Click the circle under the Choose One column for the section you wish to grade >Click Submit >Enter grades for every student 10
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Web Grading Tutorial Quick Reference Page Accessing Your Class Roster & Grading On-line Download instructionsDownload instructions >Midterm Grading Instructions >The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) requires midterm certification of students enrolled in courses claimed for state funding. The deadline for midterm grades is the Monday after your midterm date. >Midterm Date and Last Day to Drop (go to for download dates or Enet under Instructions and Training) 1.Log into AccessECC. Choose Faculty. Under Faculty Information click Grading. Select a Term (do not put in start/end dates) and click submit. Choose Midterm in drop down box. A list of your classes will appear. Click on the box to select the section you wish to grade. 2.Review grade roster to ensure all students sitting in class appear on this roster. Send any students in your class who do not appear on this roster to the Registration Center, SRC 165. Your roster will show students who have dropped or who have been dropped from your class in the Course Status (Crs. Stat) column. Cross-listed classes will have one grading page for all sections; the sections will now be shown in the far right column. 3.Enter a midterm grade for EVERY student. CR is appropriate if you do not want to assign a letter grade. Students who have never attended your class are considered not actively pursuing course completion. These students should receive a W. The Records and Registration Department will drop students with W from the student’s schedule. These students should not appear on your final roster. No additional forms are required. 4.Submit. After you submit your grades, you will see a Grading Confirmation Form and the message, "Your changes have been saved. Modified records are shown below." This will allow you to view what was submitted and know that your submission was saved. 5.Logout and then log back in and review to ensure grades were accepted. If you see the grades you submitted then you know we have them too. s are no longer required. 12
Web Grading Tutorial Quick Reference Page 2 Final Grading Instructions Final grades are due by the following dates, per semester: 2011FA - Monday, December 19, before 8 a.m. 2012SP - Monday, May 21, before 8 a.m. 2012SU – Monday, August 6, before 4 p.m. 1.Log into your account. Choose Faculty. Under Faculty information click grading. 2.Review grade roster. If entering a grade of incomplete (I), an expiration date is required. The 120 day expiration date for 2011SU is December 2, 2011, for 2011FA the date is April 16, 2012 and for 2012SU the date is September 14, If a student is auditing the course an AU should be entered as the final grade. Please remember that a W is no longer an option for a final grade for students still enrolled. Submit or click on OK all the way through the process until you receive a confirmation page. If you click the X on the top right of the page after entering grades they will not be recorded. 3.Log Out and then Log In again and review to ensure grades were accepted. s are no longer required. 13
Web Grading Tutorial Important Information for Submitting Grades Final Incomplete grades MUST have an “expire date.” The “expire date” is listed for three semesters on the page. If you do not enter an expiration date with an I, NONE of your grades will be submitted. When you log into AccessECC and you are on the initial grading page you only need to select the term and then submit… leave the rest blank. Two common reasons you cannot find your class in the drop down grading menu: If you are teaching a telecourse, it may be that there are no students registered for the primary section. Please contact the administrative assistant in your dean’s office and ask them to re-assign the primary section to one that has students enrolled. The section you are trying to grade may not have an instructor assigned. Ask the administrative assistant. To her make sure that you are assigned as the instructor for that class. Enter a midterm grade for EVERY student. CR is appropriate if you do not want to assign a letter grade. Students who have never attended your class are considered not actively pursuing course completion. These students should receive a W. The Records and Registration Department will drop students with W from their schedule. Students who have stopped attending should receive the grade earned so far in the course. If you drop the student, we will not be able to claim them and they did receive some instruction from the College. Midterm grade reports are sent to students earning D, F, or W. All students can view midterm grades on AccessECC. Please submit midterm grades by the due date to ensure students have been notified and have adequate time to drop a course for the semester. 14
Web Grading Tutorial Important Information for Submitting Grades, page 2 >Final grades are verified in the records office every day. After final grades are verified, you are no longer able to make changes on AccessEcc. If you need to change a final grade, please submit a grade change form by to the Records Office. Grade change forms are available on eNet under; Forms ➜ By Department ➜ Teaching, Learning and Student Dev-t Forms ➜ Student Action Forms ➜ Grade Change. >Please do not send grade change forms with or to students. This is for internal use only and we need to ensure the integrity of the grading process. Students can view the grade change online. >The SUBMIT button will save your work and reset the web timer. It is recommended that you enter some of all of your grades first. SUBMIT to save, then return to the list to review and modify. >Log back into AccessEcc and follow prompts to the grade sheet you submitted. Verify what you entered. 15
Web Grading Tutorial 16 Questions? Elaine Kolasa, Records Grades Specialist II Dr. Jennifer McClure, Registrar