JAI Fest Welcome! JAI Fest meeting 10 Dec 2015 Andrei Seryi John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science
JAI Fest, 10 Dec 2015, A. Seryi, JAI 2 Traditional “JAI Octoberfest” –One day of science presentations –Family style event, with guests from CI, CERN, DESY… –Cycle through OX, IC, RHUL, this year in OX –This year => shifted to December – “JAI Fest” –Today and here JAI Fest Photos from JAI Octoberfest 2014 at RHUL
JAI Fest, 10 Dec 2015, A. Seryi, JAI 3 JAI Research Directions (& examples) Training Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Laser wire FONT BPMs Feedforward Beam z diagnostics Laser-plasma acceleration Diamond upgrade Novel ERL design of UH- FLUX LC Final Focus ESS FCC IR & FF
JAI Fest, 10 Dec 2015, A. Seryi, JAI 4 As institute based on three universities, we in particular looking for and nurture those activities and ideas… JAI operating principles
JAI Fest, 10 Dec 2015, A. Seryi, JAI 5 As institute based on three universities, we in particular looking for and nurture those activities and ideas that connects the teams and cross-amplify their capabilities JAI operating principles
JAI Fest, 10 Dec 2015, A. Seryi, JAI 6 JAI Research Directions (& examples) Training Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Diamond upgrade Novel ERL design of UH- FLUX LC Final Focus ESS FCC IR & FF Advanced RF design: ESS higher order modes optimization Coupled cavities for ERL- type compact light source Advanced beam optics: LC final focus design Diamond upgrade idea came from OX – now implemented at national facility – submitted to the Nurse review Machine Detector Interface: IR design of ILC and CLIC IR design of FCC Enabling techniques are those generic know-how which allow us to make key contributions to large or novel projects
JAI Fest, 10 Dec 2015, A. Seryi, JAI 7 JAI Research Directions (& examples) Training Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Laser wire FONT BPMs Feedforward Beam z diagnostics Laser-plasma acceleration Diamond upgrade Novel ERL design of UH- FLUX LC Final Focus ESS FCC IR & FF
JAI Fest, 10 Dec 2015, A. Seryi, JAI 8 JAI Research Directions (& examples) Training Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator Instrumentation and beam diagnostics Laser wire FONT BPMs Feedforward Beam z diagnostics Laser-plasma acceleration Diamond upgrade Novel ERL design of UH- FLUX LC Final Focus ESS FCC IR & FF JAI grad. students visit CERN control room, on the day they will make presentation on student design project on FCC-hh design. June 5, nd European Advanced Accelerator Conference Sep 2015, Best student poster award ceremony
Enjoy the JAI Fest! And strengthen existing and build up new collaborative connections! And thanks to Glenn Christian and Ivan Konoplev for organization of JAI Fest!