PATENTSCOPE Patent Search Strategies and Techniques Andrew Czajkowski Head, Innovation and Technology Support Section
Scenario A scientist at an agricultural research facility is considering whether to begin new work in the area of animal feed. Your task is to determine: which technologies already exist in this area which organizations or individuals are particularly active in this area (in terms of patenting)
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
WIPO homepage
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
PATENTSCOPE interfaces
CLIR interface
CLIR: Automatic mode
Automatic mode: Query and results
CLIR: Synonyms and variants Original language animal feed animal food, … Other languages animal feed Tierfutter, … Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
CLIR: Automatic mode
CLIR: Supervised mode
Supervised mode: Domain selection automatic domain detection
Supervised mode: Variant selection
Supervised mode: Field selection
Supervised mode: Query and results
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
Query and results
Results: Analysis
Classification: A23K
PATENTSCOPE interfaces
Simple search interface
Simple search: IPC
Simple search: Query and results
Scenario: A twist The scientist contacts you again: She tells you that she is actually most interested in animal feed specifically designed for cows.
Classification: A23K No classification available for "Animal feeding-stuffs specially adapted for cows"
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification keywords and classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
PATENTSCOPE interfaces
Field combination interface
Field combination: Query
Field combination: Query and results
PATENTSCOPE interfaces
Advanced search interface
Advanced search: Query
Advanced search: Query and results
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification keywords and classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
Results: Analysis
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification keywords and classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
Record: Documents
Task breakdown Access the PATENTSCOPE search service Retrieve patent documents based on keywords classification keywords and classification Analyze the whole set of results according to applicants and inventors Examine a specific patent document and its related documents within the results Keep the scientist up-to-date on new patent documents
Query and results
RSS feed
Review Interfaces CLIR Simple search Field combination Advanced search Results analysis RSS feeds
Exercise A research institute intends to focus its activities on the genetic engineering of corn. You have been asked to carry out the following tasks to support the work of the institute. Gather information about related inventions. Show how patenting activity in this area has evolved over time.
Steps Discuss the scope with the client Choose the right tools Identify concepts to be searched Gather synonyms and/or identify relevant classifications Structure query Retrieve and review results Report to the client Repeat!
Scope The head of research at the institute tells you, "We are only interested in inventions in the field of genetic engineering related specifically to maize and not other types of grains or plants."
Tools Language Wikipedia IATE Classification TACSY IPCCAT
Limitations: Practical Document type: Patent only Document elements: Title, abstract, and claims Subject area: All Country or region: Content of PATENTSCOPE search service Time period: Content of PATENTSCOPE search service Languages: English, French, and Spanish Classifications: IPC only
Concepts Genetic engineering Maize
Synonyms: Genetic engineering genetic engineering genetic modification foreign DNA synthetic genes recombinant
Classifications: Genetic engineering
C12N 15/00 Mutation or genetic engineering; DNA or RNA concerning genetic engineering, vectors, e.g. plasmids, or their isolation, preparation or purification; Use of hosts therefor A01H New plants or processes for obtaining them; plant reproduction by tissue culture techniques
Synonyms: Maize maize corn mealie mielie Zea mays
Synonyms: Maize maíz choclo millo elote maïs blé d'Inde
Synonyms: Maize
maize corn mealie mielie Zea mays maíz choclo millo elote mijo turquesco maïs blé d'Inde
Query: Field codes International classification: IC Title: TI Abstract: AB Claims: CL
Query IC:("C12N 15/00") AND (TI:(maize OR corn OR mealie OR mielie OR "Zea mays" OR maíz OR choclo OR millo OR elote OR "mijo turquesco" OR maïs OR "blé d'Inde") OR AB:(maize OR corn OR mealie OR mielie OR "Zea mays" OR maíz OR choclo OR millo OR elote OR "mijo turquesco" OR maïs OR "blé d'Inde") OR CL:(maize OR corn OR mealie OR mielie OR "Zea mays" OR maíz OR choclo OR millo OR elote OR "mijo turquesco" OR maïs OR "blé d'Inde"))
Report Databases consulted: PATENTSCOPE Classification (IPC): C12N 15/00 Keywords (title, abstract, claims): maize, corn, mealie, mielie, Zea mays, maíz, choclo, millo, elote, mijo turquesco, maïs, blé d'Inde
Report Patenting activity (PCT) by publication date over the last 10 years
Report Patenting activity by the main applicants over the last 10 years
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