1. USSR – T he Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – the USSR – – i.e. communist Russia.
2. Communism – believe that industry should be state-owned..
3. PRESIDENT Harry S Truman –US President from FDR’s vice- president.
4. Joseph Stalin –Russian dictator from the late 1920s to 1953.
5. North Korea – (led by Kim II Sung) was Communist. Supported by Stalin and China.
6.South Korea –(led by Syngman Rhee) was capitalist.
7. Domino Theory – Truman believed that, if one country fell to Communism, then other would follow, like a line of dominoes.
8. 38th parallel – a line of latitude on the map going through Korea.
9. North Korea – Attacked South Korea in June 1950.
10. United Nations – This organisation supported South Korea.
11. General MacArthur – The American Army, led by ……. ………, went to Korea, drove back the North Koreans and recaptured South Korea. It invaded North Korea. It advanced as far as the Chinese border.
12. Chinese – October 1950 the ……. were alarmed. They attacked MacArthur, and drove the Americans back. They recaptured North Korea, and advanced into South Korea.
13. Truman – MacArthur reached the 38th parallel in March …… told MacArthur to stop. MacArthur was sacked when he publicly criticised ……. order.
14. Eisenhower – In 1953, ………. became American president. He made peace.
15. Kim Ill Sung – Kim Il Sung – North Korean communist leader who invaded South Korea in June 1950.
16. Syngman Rhee – South Korean capitalist leader boasted he would attack North Korea in 1950.
17. China – This country in Asia became communist in 1949.
18. British troops – Soldiers from this country fought in the Korean war.
19. UN Security Council – Had 5 permanent members UK, France, USA, China and USSR.
– The year that the USSR had its own nuclear bomb.
21. Containment – The Korean War is an example of the USA idea of stopping communism spreading through the Truman Doctrine.
22. Stalemate – From the Korean War is an example of this – it means where neither side is wining.
23. Hiroshima, Japan 1945 WW2
24. Red Fear – Western and USA worry about communism spreading and taking over.