 Who was at fault for the Cold War, the Soviet Union or the USA? Why?  Cite Evidence  Use Specific Examples Warm Up #25.


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Presentation transcript:

 Who was at fault for the Cold War, the Soviet Union or the USA? Why?  Cite Evidence  Use Specific Examples Warm Up #25

 Last day to retake WW2 Test is Friday 4/15  “Who Started the Cold War” Assignment Due Today  I will call you into Cave if you didn’t finish yet Reminders

 EUR countries that promised free elections would be rebuilt by the U.S.  U.S. spends 12.5 billion  Soviet bloc nations not able to access funds The Marshall Plan helps too.

 Capitalist W. Berlin irritated Soviets  1948: Stalin cuts off supply lines through E. Germany  U.S. did not want to trigger war through breaking blockade. Berlin Blockade

 Allies complete thousands of supply flights to West Berlin.  Stalin did not want to start war, so he did not shoot planes  1949 – Re-opens supply lines  World realizes there is a big Soviet Bloc v. Free World conflict coming Berlin Airlift

 1949: US joins anti- Soviet alliance NATO  North Atlantic Treaty Organization  West Germany also joins  Soviets form Warsaw Pact Alliances Form on Paper

 1945: U.S. drops Atomic Bombs on Japan  Some say as a warning to USSR  1948: Soviet Union announces they have Nukes  1951: Test first bomb  1952: U.S. tests hydrogen bomb in Bikini Islands  Both recruit former Nazi scientists to develop nuclear missiles Nuclear Weapons Take it to a New Level

 Step 1: Read Event Card  Underline Key Information  Step 2: Place it on Timeline  Short description (10 words or less)  Step 3: Map It (If Mappable)  Fill in key Cold War Map pg. 60


Shading Your Map

 Describe the key similarities and differences between the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan?  Hint: pg Warm Up # 26

 Red Scare in the United States  Fear of Communist Spies leads to limitation on freedoms  Rosenbergs executed for passing military secrets  US focuses on the spread of communism in Asia as well  Korean War  Red China Paranoia Sets In

 1952: Stalin dies  1953: Korean War ends  Arms Race: Still building up/ developing better weapons Things Calm for a Bit, but not for Long

 By 1960’s both have ICBMs  Inter-continental Ballistic Missiles  Could shoot from home and reach enemy within minutes  Neither was likely to use weapons because the other would use theirs also  MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

 Step 1: Read Event Card  Underline Key Information  Step 2: Place it on Timeline  Short description (10 words or less)  Step 3: Map It (If Mappable)  Fill in key Cold War Map pg. 60

 What is MAD and how did it affect the tension between the US and the Soviet Union?  Hint: pg. 118ish Warm Up # 27

 Step 1: Read Event Card  Underline Key Information  Step 2: Place it on Timeline  Short description (10 words or less)  Step 3: Map It (If Mappable)  Fill in key Cold War Map pg. 60