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North Korea at night
CW #9: Korean War Describe why the US containment policy caused the US to be involved in the Korean War
Korea After WWII: a.North Korea- Communist (b/c it was liberated by USSR) b.South Korea- democratic, supported by US c.Divided at 38 th parallel North Korea South Korea
Kim Jong-Il ( ) Former Communist Leader, “Dear Leader” Kim Jong -Un Kim Il-Song: Founder of communism in NK, “Great Leader”
June, 1950: N. Korea crosses 38 th parallel – invades the South! a.United Nations- b.5 countries can VETO any action: US, China, France, Britain & USSR a.Will the UN be able to declare war on NK?
Korean War ( ) UN sends army to defend S. Korea - Only voted yes b/c USSR did not show up that day! Otherwise they could have vetoed! *N. Korea controls nearly all of S. Korea by Sept.
US troops land behind enemy lines, liberate S. & invades N. - near border of China by Nov. – US thinks war will be over by Christmas – China – What will China do?
Americans land at Inchon, S Korea
China invades N. Korea- 400,000 Chinese troops attack US/UN troops – Battle of Chosin- 20,000 US casualties – *one of US worst defeats ever, US now losing the war
American tanks escort captured N Korean Communist soldiers
You Decide: Now that we suffered 20,000+ casualties, what options did the US have during the Korean war? 1.Should we retreat? 2.Should we send more soldiers? 3.Or should we use a weapon that we used in WW2? KEEP IN MIND….WE HAVE TO CONTAIN COMMUNISM! North Korea is a Communist country. Who would support them if the US escalated the level of fighting?
US Response Gen. MacArthur wanted to use the A- BOMB! But Pres Truman said NO! And fired him. But, US / UN continue the war
Korean Stalemate Armistice- stop fighting in 1953 (50,000 US causalities, 1 mil.+ Chinese and Koreans) 38 th parallel still separates N/S Korea
The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ): 38 th parallel, area w/o troops
Korea & US Today NK – war – Isolated N. Korea has nuclear bomb and 1 mil. troops (1 of the world’s largest armies) US has 38,000 troops in S. Korea today
ANSWER: 1.Who wins this war? 2.Where is the dividing line between North and South Korea today? How is it different from before the war? 3.Describe US & Korea’s relationship today.
CW #10: Korea Today Textbook Questions 1.Who started the war and how? 2.Why did this war need to be fought? Compare answers with your partner. Are they the same? **Answer #1 for both sources **
Read the article about what is happening (right now in NK). 5. Pick 3 things that are happening. For each, describe what is occurring and then explain what this shows you about life in NK. EX: NK has banned weddings & funerals. What does this tell you about life in NK?
NK pix
Exit Ticket In 1 paragraph, summarize what you have learned about Korea today. Include obvious information taken from: – Textbook – News article – Photos