CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Learning process in whichassociations are made between anunconditioned stimulus and aneutral stimulus.
STIMULI / Something that elicits a response. / NEUTRAL STIMULUS (NS): / Initially does not elicit a response. / UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS (UCS): / elicits a predictable response w/o training. / UNCONDITIONED RESPONSE (UCR): / automatic or natural reaction to a stimulus w/o training / Something that elicits a response. / NEUTRAL STIMULUS (NS): / Initially does not elicit a response. / UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS (UCS): / elicits a predictable response w/o training. / UNCONDITIONED RESPONSE (UCR): / automatic or natural reaction to a stimulus w/o training
STIMULI cont. CONDITIONED STIMULUS (CS): / elicits a response due to being paired with an UCS. CONDITIONED RESPONSE (CR): / the learned reaction to a CS CONDITIONED STIMULUS (CS): / elicits a response due to being paired with an UCS. CONDITIONED RESPONSE (CR): / the learned reaction to a CS
Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov
EXAMPLES OF CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Using electric wires to keep cows in a field UCS - Electric shock UCR - Jump back CS - wire CR - Stay away
ELECTRIC CAN OPENER / CATS UCS - food UCR - Run into the kitchen CS - Can opener CR - Run into the kitchen
Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov / A. Pavlov’s Dogs Experiment (US) Unconditioned Stimulus - food (UR) Unconditioned Response - saliva (NS) Neutral Stimulus - bell (CS) Conditioned Stimulus - bell (CR) Conditioned Response - saliva to bell / A. Pavlov’s Dogs Experiment (US) Unconditioned Stimulus - food (UR) Unconditioned Response - saliva (NS) Neutral Stimulus - bell (CS) Conditioned Stimulus - bell (CR) Conditioned Response - saliva to bell