Big BusinessInventions & Inventors Words To Know The Work Force $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Inventions & Inventors Big Business Words To Know The Work Force $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Inventions $100 A government grant that allows an inventor to be the only one to sell his invention.
Inventions $200 He created an “invention factory.”
Inventions $300 He invented more things than any other person.
Inventions $400 This helped machines run smoothly.
Inventions $500 The invention that made iron into steel more cheaply and made the steel industry more efficient.
Inventions $100-Answer What is a patent?
Inventions $200-Answer Who is Thomas Edison?
Inventions $300-Answer Who is Thomas Edison?
Inventions $400-Answer What is oil?
inventions $500-Answer What is the Bessemer Process?
Big Business $100 He controlled almost the entire oil industry.
Big Business $200 The name given to big business leaders who charge high prices and pay low wages to workers.
Big Business $300 Making Railroad companies set fair prices was the first way the government did this.
Big Business $400 He owned all the companies that took part in making steel, from the mining to the shipping.
Big Business $500 This is the term used to describe a Captain of Industry who gives to charities to help America.
Big Business $100-Answer Who is John D. Rockefeller?
Big Business $200-Answer What are Robber Barons?
Big Business $300-Answer How did the government regulate or control big business?
Big Business $400-Answer Who is Andrew Carnegie?
Big Business $500-Answer What is a philanthropist?
Words To Know $100 A large company formed by a group of investors.
Words To Know $200 Controlling an entire industry.
Words To Know $300 A share of a corporation’s profits.
Words To Know $400 A group of corporations run by a single board of directors.
Words to Know $500 Owning every aspect of a business from raw materials to shipping.
Words To Know $100-Answer What is a corporation?
Words To Know $200-Answer What is a monopoly?
Words To Know $300-Answer What is a dividend?
Words To Know $400-Answer What is a trust?
Words To Know $500-Answer What is vertical integration?
The Work Force $100 These workers received the lowest pay.
The Work Force $200 This was the workers’ strike at Andrew Carnegie’s steel mill. He hired guards to end it and people were killed.
The Work Force $300 A community set up and run by a company for its workers.
The Work Force $400 When workers stop work until their demands are met.
The Work Force $500 This labor union was seeking higher pay and better working conditions for skilled workers.
The Work Force $100-Answer Who were the children?
The Work Force $200-Answer What is the Homestead strike?
The Work Force $300-Answer What is a company town?
The Work Force $400-Answer What is a strike?
The Work Force $500-Answer What is the American Federation of Labor?
Final Jeopardy It was one of the major developments that made the rapid growth of industry possible and opened up the West.
Final Jeopardy-Answer What is the Railroad?