Structured Data Capture (SDC) All Hands Meeting May 26, 2016
Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking, please keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call o Hold = Elevator Music = frustrated speakers and participants This meeting is being recorded o Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other participants to know. o Send comments to All Panelists so they can be addressed publically in the chat, or discussed in the meeting (as appropriate). From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute All Panelists
Reminder Join the SDC Initiative To join the Structured Data Capture (SDC) Initiative, go here: Joining the initiative ensures that you are included on initiative communications and announcements. You may join as an Interested Party or a Committed Member. (More information about these two options is on the Join page.) Thank you! Your commitment and participation are critical to our success.
Agenda TopicTime Allotted Welcome Meeting Reminders & Announcements Event Reminders 15 minutes Standards Development & Harmonization (S&H) Pilots Work Group Updates IHE SDC Profile Updates IHE Documentation and Timeline FHIR SDC Profile Updates FHIR / IHE Mapping discussion 45 minutes
SDC All Hands meetings are Thursdays from 3:25 – 4:30 pm Eastern –Meeting on June 2, 2016 is CANCELLED –Next meeting is June 9, 2016 –All Meeting Information and updates can be found on the wiki Meeting Reminders REMINDER Please check the wiki for the latest meeting schedule. REMINDER Please check the wiki for the latest meeting schedule.
Meeting Reminders SDC FHIR Coordination meetings are Wednesdays at 3:00 pm Eastern –Meeting on June 1, 2016 is CANCELLED –Next meeting is June 8, 2016 –All Meeting Information and updates can be found on the wiki SDC Pilots meetings are Wednesdays at 4:00 pm Eastern –Meeting on June 1, 2016 is CANCELLED –Next meeting is June 8, 2016 –All Meeting Information and updates can be found on the wiki
Save the Date What: ONC 2016 Annual Meeting: “Committed to Better Care through Health IT When: May 31 – June 2, 2016 Where: Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC Registration is closed Agenda: The Annual Meeting is an opportunity for a wide array of public and private sector partners to discuss ways to leverage health IT to achieve better care, smarter spending, and healthier people. –Day 1: Plenary Day –Day 2: Breakout Day –Day 3: Consumer Day Note: Due to the Memorial Day holiday, official meeting activities will not begin until after 12:00 pm ET on Tuesday, May 31. The Consumer Day will include both plenary and breakout sessions and is open to all meeting attendees.
Structured Data Capture (SDC) All Hands Meeting May 26, 2016
SDC Pilots WG
Pilots WG Updates Schemas being tested and updated Dr. Beller demonstrated the form filler application that is ready for prime time. Matthew mentioned that the form manager application is also ready for prime time. Inquire with California about their status as form receiver UCSF will tentatively demo the week of June 13 th
SDC IHE Profile IG
IHE SDC Profile Updates Submitted RFD Change Proposal –The CP is to add optional to encodedResponse element, so that SDC Form Filler can clearly specify its request for SDC XML package or SDC HTML package. –The CP will be submitted to the ITI group and will be reviewed Friday, June 3, 2016 IHE Profile Updates –Continue working on updates to the profile –Please submit your edits/suggestions to Vijay Shah
IHE SDC Profile Updates Proposed Timeline 31-Mar-16: Freeze Schema Files 29-Apr-16: Updated draft of IHE Profile for internal review 27-May-16: Updated draft ready for IHE QRPH review 17-Jun-16: Updated profile published for public comments 16-Jul-16: Public comments period ends 19-Aug-16: Comments disposition complete and Updated profile ready for publishing 30-Sep-16: IHE Profile v2.0 published for Trial Implementation Jan-17: IHE Connectathon 2017
Important Links IHE SDC Profile (direct link) – SDC IHE Connectathon Wiki Page – IHE Connectathon Information (IHE Website) – SDC Wiki (main page) –
April 2016May 2016June 2016July 2016Aug. 2016Sept. 2016Oct. 2016Nov. 2016Dec Milestones HL7 SDC FHIR Profile Timeline April 2016 – December 2016 Today DSTU Ballot Package Development Final Content Deadline (Aug. 7)*** HL7 WG Meeting (Sept 18-23) HL7 WG Meeting (May 8-13) STU 3 Ballot (Aug. 12-Sept. 12) Notification of Intent to Ballot (July 3) Target Publication (before Jan. 2017) Likely QA Deadline (July 17)
SDC Contact Information For questions, please contact your support team –Initiative Coordinator: Ed Hammond –Project Manager: Jenny Brush –Standards Development Support: Perri Smith –Harmonization Support: Vijay Shah