Botanic Garden BOOKINGS & FURTHER INFORMATION:- The Education Office University of Leicester Botanic Garden, Stoughton Drive South, Oadby, Leics., LE2 2NE Phone/fax: Investigate the variety and adaptations of plants and animals in desert, tropical rainforest, aquatic, temperate woodland, meadow and Mediterranean habitats Use data-loggers to measure, compare and record different temperatures and light intensities Go pond-dipping and study the pond life Hunt for woodland mini-beasts Explore a variety of herbs and their uses See how insectivorous plants trap insects Supports Science QCA Units 3B,4B,5B, 6A Habitats & Adaptations … an educational visit for KS2 Revised worksheets for 2012 Supports Science and Geography
Botanic Garden Habitats & Adaptations A staffed educational visit to the University of Leicester Botanic Garden for one or two KS 2 classes supporting the Science Curriculum The Habitats and Adaptations programme consists of practical activities that explores, compares and contrasts different habitats at the Botanic Garden. Focus is given to how plants and animals are adapted to survive their environment. After an introduction defining what is a habitat is and giving background information children rotate around a series of six activities each in a different habitat – Mediterranean, pond, woodland, desert, tropical rainforest and micro-habitats (under logs etc.) They have the opportunity to use data loggers to measure light intensity and temperature, hunt for mini-beasts, try pond dipping and investigate the types of plants that survive in the desert and rainforest. A worksheet is available for each habitat which includes where appropriate extension activities /questions for years 5/6. “I did enjoy it. It was very brilliant” “When our time was up I was sorry to leave” “It was wicked” Teachers who have already taken part in this programme have said how relevant the activities are to the curriculum and how much the children have learnt. The programme includes an introduction and a member of staff to support you during the day for pond dipping. Numbers: We can take up to two classes at a time, (70 maximum) Timing: A minute taught introduction followed by 30 minutes in each of up to six habitats. Organisation:The children need to be organised in up to six small groups, each to be accompanied by an adult. Cost:£4.25 per child with no charge for adults. (Note the minimum charge is £102) Lunch: Lunch can be eaten outside or in a classroom The Botanic Garden education programmes aim to promote the garden and its satellite arboretum as an educational resource, with an emphasis on bringing a global perspective to the National Curriculum, especially in environmental and development issues. For more information on our other education programmes see or contact : The Education Office, University of Leicester Botanic Garden, Stoughton Drive South, Oadby, Leics., LE2 2NE. Phone/fax: