Risa Rahman Travis Jamer
Freedom of Speech Rights for Students in Public Schools In the case, Tinker vs. Des Moines, the school was banning black arm bands that protested the Vietnam War. The children were later allowed to wear them account of the 1 st amendment. But this is not the main part of this case. The principal of a high school said that “students shed their right of speech when entering the school doors.” That statement is completely false.
Feiner vs. New York Petitioner Feiner gathered negroes to petition against the whites for equal rights -By means of making derogatory terms towards Truman, the American Legion, and other political offices such as the mayor of Syracuse. Police attempted to intervene in this movement, thrice. He opposed, they arrested Feiner. -Charged with penal law 722 of New York for refusal to obey police and disruption -Not convicted for content of speech, but for reaction. -Police are not a means of suppression for unpopular beliefs. Brought to court as disorderly conduct and a misdemeanor in New York. Feiner challenged New York with first amendment and fourteenth amendment -Defied fourteenth amendment through unequal protection of laws -Defied first amendment by hindering freedom of speech Officers arrested him for concern of general welfare; no evidence that it was suppression for color issues. -No issue of speech itself, just the reaction; he was not convicted nor arrested.
Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson (1952)- Freedom of Speech in Films Appellant, business distributing motion pictures, has exclusive rights to show an Italian movie “The Miracle” throughout the United States. “The Miracle” is branched off from the trilogy “Ways of Love”, which was exhibited publicly in motion based upon a stated percentage of gain for Appellant and the theater. “The Miracle” deemed to be sacrilegious. -Many sent letters to the New York Board of regents, which is head of edu. dpmt. Purpose of motion pictures not just to entertain but inform as well. -Large-scale film industry may be conducted for private profit, but also freedom of expression. 1 st amendment. -May have huge impact on society negatively, but doesn’t undermine the 1 st amendment. -Not adhered to because of language is out of harmony. No restraint of film based on the label sacrilegious -Infringment of freedom of expression more condemned than this being sacrilegious -State has no legitimate interest in protecting all religion’s views, in this case.
Watergate Scandal President Nixon broke into Democratic National Committee in a complex called Watergate. Nixon stole Pentagon papers which contained a plan to stage invasion on Vietnam. -Everyone thought he would stage an invasion. Became a wide-ranging political scandal. Power of press so strong that it caused a president to resign. -Rep tarnished.
Credz, MLA "The Watergate Story (washingtonpost.com)." The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 17 Aug Tedford, Thomas L. "Feiner v. New York (1951)." Boston College. Strata Publishing Inc., Web. 17 Aug "Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson." LII | LII / Legal Information Institute. Supreme Court, 24 Apr Web. 17 Aug
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Responsibilities Travis Jamer: Topics 1 and 2, annotations Risa Rahman: Topics 3 and 4, quiz