KHARKOV TEAM ACTIVITIES FOR CBM WITHIN THE STCU PROJECT P602 1 Representatives: Prof. Slava Borshchov -team leader Ihor Tymchuk (speaker) Maksym Protsenko 22 nd CBM Collaboration, JINR, September, 6-7, 2013
Outline STCU Project P602- main goals Main tasks for year 2013 Demonstrators for beam tests Next activities 2
3 STCU Project P602- main goals 3 P602 STCU project,,R&D on Silicon Strip Module design and production for CBM experiment at FAIR” Main tasks of the project: Development and assembly of Demonstrators for beam tests, based on CBM05 sensors Design and assembly procedure development and production of full-scale mechanical mock-ups of detector modules based on new approach (separate cables for each STS-chip) Design development and construction of full-scale full-functional prototypes of the STS-modules
4 Main tasks for year Development and assembly of Demonstrators for beam tests Design and assembly procedures (few options) development and production of full-scale mechanical mock-ups of detector modules based
5 Demonstrators for beam tests 5 For beam tests at COSY development of 4 pcs of Demonstrators is foreseen Structure is the similar as for Demonstrators 1-b’ made before but design is different Demonstrator 1-b’
6 Demonstrators – arrangement features 6 Demonstrator 1 (single sensor) Demonstrator 2 (single sensor) Demonstrator 3 (double sensor) Demonstrator 4 (double sensor) P-side N-side DCC-P DCC-N--1 st nd
7 Demonstrators – developed assemblies 7 Demonstrator 1 (single sensor) Demonstrator 2 (single sensor) Demonstrator 3 (double sensor) Demonstrator 4 (double sensor)
8 Demonstrators – developed components 8 Connection layers TOP Meshed spacers Shielding layers Connection layers BOTTOM Flexible boards for PCB Support PCB InsulatorsBias lines contacts Flex Mount for ERNI PCB for ERNI and also daisy-chain cables are developed About 20 types of components are developed
9 Demonstrators – developed photomasks 9 Connection layers TOP Meshed spacers Shielding layers Connection layers BOTTOM Flexible board Flex Mount PCB for ERNI More than 30 photomasks are developed and manufactured
10 Connection layers TOP Meshed spacers Shielding layers Connection layers BOTTOM Flexible boards for PCB Support PCB Insulators Bias lines contacts Flex Mount for ERNI PCB for ERNI Demonstrators – manufactured components
11 Demonstrators – next steps This week most part of components are going to be manufactured (for the first assembly operations) Next week all components are going to be manufactured This week we are going to start components assembling
12 Next steps for this year 12 Development assembly procedures for,,new” detector modules (will be developed different options and checked at mock-ups assembling) Designing of mechanical mock-ups and their components Components manufacturing Mock-ups assembling
Thanks a lot for your attention. 13