WHAT IS THE CROSS? Gruesome Shameful (Heb. 12:2) God’s plan (Acts 2:23) God’s love (John 15:13; Rom. 5:6- 8) Our salvation (Col. 2:13-14; I Pet. 2:24) Our example (I Pet. 2:21-24)
THE CROSS IS WHY WE FOLLOW ONLY JESUS I Corinthians 1:13 Jesus is… – The source of our grace (I Cor. 1:4) – The focus of the message (I Cor. 1:6) – Going to be revealed (I Cor. 1:7) – Offering us fellowship with Him (I Cor. 1:9) What are men and preachers able to offer in comparison?
THE CROSS IS THE POWER AND WISDOM OF GOD I Cor. 1:18,23-24 It is what saves believers The world may not understand The world may not care But for us, it is God’s glory, our salvation, and our focus
NULLIFYING THE CROSS I Cor. 1:17 By following men rather than Jesus By focusing on baptizing people (I Cor. 1:14-17)
BAPTISM DOESN’T MATTER? Paul does not say, “I’m glad some of you weren’t baptized” (instead it is assumed that they were Paul does not say, “I don’t want people to be baptized” Paul does not say, “baptism is unnecessary” This passage does not nullify the teaching and practice of baptism – Paul was baptized (Acts 22:16; 9:18) – Paul did baptize (I Cor. 1:14; Acts 16:29-33; etc.) – Paul emphasized baptism (Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12; etc.
NULLIFYING THE CROSS I Cor. 1:17 By following men rather than Jesus By focusing on baptizing people (I Cor. 1:14-17) Boasting in ourselves (I Cor. 1:29- 31) Converting people in ways other than the simple message of the cross (I Cor. 2:1-5)
CONFIDENCE FROM THE CROSS The price has been paid / Our forgiveness is real (I Cor. 6:20; Acts 20:28; I John 2:1-2) Can there be any doubt that God loves us? (Rom. 8:31-39)
Don’t wait! You can enjoy the benefits of the cross. Romans 6:2-3 Colossians 2:12