OC/42 System Improvements page 1 42 nd Argos Operations Committee Meeting Assmannshausen, Germany June 3 rd to 5 th, 2008 G-1-5
OC/42 System Improvements page 2 SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS
OC/42 System Improvements page 3 SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Computer system architecture Ground stations network Global data real-time data PMT for users Regional processing centres
OC/42 System Improvements page 4 Computer system architecture No meaningful modifications in 2007 Heart of the architecture : two high performance storage disk arrays EVA 5000 (HP) Oracle database Linux servers 3 configurations : Operational Validation Dev. & Maint.
OC/42 System Improvements page 5 Disaster recovery project
OC/42 System Improvements page 6 Ground stations network Global data Fairbanks Wallops Svalbard NOAA POES METOP NOAA POES 2 blind orbits / day except NOAA-18 50% of the data available within 30 minutes. METOP 14 orbits per day within 120 minutes Backup with Fairbanks and Wallops NOAA-18 blind orbits
OC/42 System Improvements page 7 Ground stations network Real-time data 56 antennas 88,6% efficiency New antennas in 2007 Andersen Guam USAF ElmendorfAlaska USAF Hickam Hawai USAF KadenaJapan USAF LajesPortugal USAF Sembach Germany USAF Libreville Gabon NOAA Valley Forge USALockheed Martin HatoyamaJapanCLS Bitung (Indonesia)Suva (Fidji islands)Ryadh (Saudi Arabia)
OC/42 System Improvements page 8 GROUND SEGMENT ARCHITECTURE Global Argos Control and Processing centres ARGOS 2001 Phase 1 : 2003 New user interface New useroffice ARGOS 2001 Phase 2 : May 2005 New value-added services Argos system monitoring ARGOS SSA3 : July 2007 Argos 3 capabilities DMMC ARGOS 2001 Phase 3 : P3A : Argos cores services – Nov P3B : GTS processing, coding and distribution – May 2008
OC/42 System Improvements page 9 PMT for users ARGOS-3 Instrument New capabilities Two-way communication link New modulations (QPSK, GMSK) High data rate New PMT (Platform Message Transceiver)
OC/42 System Improvements page 10 GROUND SEGMENT ARCHITECTURE PMT for users The PMT works as a “modem” in charge of managing the telecommunication with the satellites The PMT “modem” supports : Transmission of uplink messages using several possible modulations (BPSK, QPSK, GMSK) Reception and processing of downlink messages Reception of broadcast messages (satellites constellations status, satellite pass predictions, time, …) Communication with the platform for the acquisition of the sensor data and delivery of an acknowledgment when data has been correctly received by satellites
OC/42 System Improvements page 11 PMT for users Size Consumption Performances Price Industrial PMT KENWOOD ELTA Delivery of the first 500 PMT series in June 2008 New series of 500 PMT by the end of 2008 Delivery of the first 200 PMT series in February 2009
OC/42 System Improvements page 12 GROUND SEGMENT ARCHITECTURE Argos Regional Processing centres Peruvian RPC 1998 Japanese RPC Indonesian RPC Australian RPC