The Passive Chapter 11
S + am/are/is + going to + V TENSE ACTIVE STRUCTURE PASSIVE STRUCTURE Simple Present am/are/is + pp Present Progressive S + V -ing Simple Past S + V2 . Past Progressive was/were being + pp Present Perfect S + have/has + pp Past Perfect had been + pp Will Future S + will + V Future Perfect will have been + pp Going to Future S + am/are/is + going to + V Modals S + modal + V Past Form of Modals Modal + have been + pp S + V (s/es) Am/are/is being + pp Was/were + pp S+was/were V-ing Have/has been+pp S+had+pp Will be+pp S+will+have+pp Am/are/is going to be+pp Modal+be+pp S+modal+have+pp
11-1 Forming the Passive Subject verb object ACTIVE Mary helped the boy Subject verb PASSIVE The boy was helped by Mary agent
11-2 Using the Passive When it is not known or not important to know who performs an action. To focus the attention on the subject of a sentence (passive sentence). By-phrase included only if necessary to know who performs the action. If the ‘agent’ is known, usually the active is used. Exercises! Pages 211, 212
11-3 Indirect objects as Passive Subjects I. O. D. O. Someone gave Mrs. Lee an award. D. O. I. O. Someone gave an award to Mrs. Lee. D. O. I. O. An award was given to Mrs. Lee. I. O. D. O. Mrs. Lee was given an award. ACTIVE PASSIVE Practice! Pages 213 &214
11-4 The Passive Form of Modals and Phrasal Modals s+modal+v Modal+be+pp Past Form of Modals Modal+have+pp Modal+have+been+pp More practice! Pages 219,120,221
11-5 Stative Passive Using the passive to describe an existing situation or state. There’s no action taking place; the action happened earlier. There’s no by-phrase. The past participle functions as an adjective. Exercises… pages 226,227
11-7 The Passive with Get Let’s practice! Page 233, 234 GET+ADJECTIVE GET+PAST PARTICIPLE I stopped working because I got sleepy. I stopped working because I got tired. GET PAST PARTICIPLE Gives the idea of becoming, beginning to be, growing to be. Functions as an adjective; it describes the subject. Let’s practice! Page 233, 234
11-8 Participial Adjectives PRESENT PARTICIPLE PAST PARTICIPLE Serves as an adjective with an active meaning. The noun it modifies performs the action. Serves as an adjective with a passive meaning. The noun it modifies receives the action. The book confuses you. It is a confusing book. You are confused by the book. You are confused. Last exercises! Page 236