MODAL VERBS Modal verbs are for example may, can, must, should, need. They express an ability, permission, wish etc. to do something. (I may, can, must swim.)
CAN USE EXAMPLES Ability to do sth. in the present I can speak English. Permission to do sth. in the present Can I go to the cinema? Request Can you wait a moment, please? Offer I can lend you my car till tomorrow. Suggestion Can we visit Grandma at the weekend? Possibility It can get very hot in Arizona.
COULD USE EXAMPLES Ability to do sth. in the past I could speak English. Permission to do sth. in the past I could go to the cinema before I had kids. Polite request Could you wait a moment, please? Polite Offer I could lend you my car till tomorrow. Polite Suggestion Could we visit Grandma at the weekend? Possibility It could get very hot in Arizona.
MAY USE EXAMPLES Possibility It may rain today. Permission to do sth. in the present (substitute form: to be allowed to) May I go to the cinema? Polite suggestion May I help you?
MIGHT USE EXAMPLES Possibility ( less possible than MAY) It might rain today. He might not finish his novel in time. Hesitant offer He might help you but you have to ask him politely…
MUST and MUSTN’T USE EXAMPLES Obligation, necessity I must go to the supermarket today.I have nothing to eat! Deduction You have been working for hours! You must be tired. Prohibition You mustn't work on dad's computer.
SHOULD and SHOULND’T USE EXAMPLES Advice I should drive carefully in bad weather. You shouldn’t smoke.
NEEDN’T USE EXAMPLES Absence of obligation (not necessary) I needn't go to the supermarket, we're going to the restaurant tonight. I needn’t buy him a present but I’m going to surprise him.
SHALL USE EXAMPLES Suggestion Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
WILL USE EXAMPLES Wish, request, demand, order (less polite than WOULD) Will you please shut the door? Prediction, assumption I think it will rain tomorrow. Promise I will stop smoking.
Write the phrases in brackets in their correct forms into the gaps. Example:Yesterday I __________ (can/to watch) a film, today I can't. Answer:Yesterday I could watch a film, today I can't. 1. Last week we ______ swimming, this week we can't. (can/to go) 2. Maybe the Smiths ______ a new house next year. (can/to build) 3. If you try hard, you ______ your examinations. (can/to pass) 4. When I was five, I . (not/can/to swim) 5. He was so busy, he ______ a letter to me. (not/can/to write) 6. For three weeks I ______ to him on the phone. (not/can/to speak) 7. Dennis_______ the trumpet after four months. (can/to play) 8. Next year we ______a new car. (can/to look for)