Business Recycling Requirements in Montgomery County, MD 2009 Federal Environmental Symposium June 16, 2009 Montgomery County, MD Division of Solid Waste Services
Montgomery County, MD Non-Residential Recycling What is a Business? – Any enterprise, individual, corporation, partnership (limited or general), sole proprietorship or other entity or person, including institutions, health care facilities, construction sites, the Federal Government and other government agencies
Montgomery County, MD Non-Residential Stats (FY 2008) Approximately 35,000 businesses with 520,000 at work employment Generates more than half of the total solid waste generated in the County (53.5% in FY08) FY08 Non-Residential recycling rate is approximately 40.0%
Recycling in Businesses, Organizations and Government Agencies The County does not provide contracted collection services to businesses Businesses must contract for collection service, self-haul or back-haul recyclable materials Technical assistance, outreach, education and training provided through SORRT Program (Smart Organizations Reduce and Recycle Tons)
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Enacted February 8, 2005 Superseded ER AM passed in 1993 Mandates recycling and reporting for all businesses
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Applicability All businesses in Montgomery County must comply with these recycling regulations within 30 days of operating within the County Businesses and employees must recycle
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Specifies requirements for: Commercial recycling and waste reduction program – Generators/Businesses Large businesses Medium businesses Small businesses – Property owners of multi-tenant facilities – Collectors servicing commercial properties
Categories of Businesses by Size Large business: 250 or more on-site employees Medium business: on-site employees Small business: fewer than 100 on-site employees
–Mixed Paper –Commingled Materials –Scrap Metal –Yard Trim –Christmas Trees Materials That Must Be Recycled: Executive Regulation 15-04AM
Mixed Paper Executive Regulation 15-04AM - White and colored office paper - Shredded paper - Corrugated cardboard - Boxboard (cereal, shoe boxes, etc.) - Newspapers and inserts - Telephone directories and books - Envelopes and unwanted mail - All other clean, dry paper Acceptable items can be mixed together or sorted by type or grade
Commingled Materials Executive Regulation 15-04AM - Aluminum cans - Aluminum foil products - Bi-metal (steel/tin) cans - Glass bottles and jars Green Brown Clear -Plastic bottles and containers Acceptable items can be mixed together or sorted by type or grade
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Scrap Metal Items consisting of metal or predominantly metal. - Iron furniture/Doors/Cabinets - Refrigerators/Freezers/Air conditioners - Sinks/Dishwashers/Stoves - Furnaces/Hot water heaters - Humidifiers/Dehumidifiers - Shower stalls/Disassembled metals sheds - Piping/Chain link fencing - Wiring - Wire hangers
- Leaves - Grass - Garden trimmings - Brush Executive Regulation 15-04AM Yard Trim Christmas Trees
Comprehensive Recycling Programs (Voluntary) Computer Equipment Wood Pallets Toner Cartridges Textiles Plastic Bags and Shrink Wrap Hazardous Waste (Eco- Wise) for Small Quantity Generators – For Eco-Wise Information, call Rick Dimont at Resources: SORRT Handbook
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Contracting for Recycling Collection Services –Use a collection company that is licensed in Montgomery County to collect and transport recyclables in the County –Maintain copy of the collector’s license –Upon DSWS request, property managers or responsible agent must provide copy of the license within 3 business days
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Program Verification Information Businesses must maintain contracts and invoices for collection and disposition of materials to be recycled - Maintain for a period covering the most recent five (5) years - Make available for inspection and copying upon DSWS request - Contract prices and financial information may be deleted
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Self-Hauling Recyclable Materials to a Recycling Facility –Data Obtain scale house tickets Provide as documentation of quantity recycled for annual reporting requirements If scale house tickets are not obtainable, receipts or other proof of quantity recycled may be substituted –Current Transfer Station/Recycling Center Fees (effective 7/1/07) Refuse (more than 500 lbs.): $56.00/ton Materials delivered in open-top roll-offs: $60.00/ton Yard trim: $40.00/ton ($10.00 minimum charge for loads less than 500 pounds) Commingled materials: No charge
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Recycling Containers – Location and Capacity In each location where trash containers are located Within reasonable and convenient proximity to all buildings and other uses on-site Businesses that sell or provide food or beverages in recyclable containers for on-site consumption Near vending machines dispensing products in recyclable packaging – Labeling Clearly labeled to indicate appropriate material to be placed inside for recycling
Clearly Labeled Containers Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
Recycling Containers in Appropriate Locations U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Collectors Servicing Commercial Properties –Must collect and deliver to a recycling facility materials that have been separated from the solid waste stream, unless recyclables are not acceptable –Notification to businesses If a collector determines that recyclable materials are not acceptable, the collector will notify their customer in writing using a County provided form –Provide copy of current license to each customer at least once annually
Executive Regulation 15-04AM Annual Business Recycling Report The “Report” tells the County how much material a business recycles. The County is able to estimate a recycling rate based upon the data provided. Report Due Dates Business Size (Number of Employees) Annual Report Due Date Large (250 or more on-site employees) February 1st Medium (100 to 249 on-site employees) March 1st Small (Fewer that 100 on-site employees) Initial submission due 60 days from receipt of a written request from DSWS; thereafter, annually by March 1st Property Owners of Multi-Tenant Facilities March 1st
Executive Regulation – Adopted on February 8, 2005 – Complements ER 15-04AM – Clearly establishes recycling related roles and responsibilities for haulers, collectors and all other persons using County acceptance facilities – Bans the delivery of recyclables mixed in with waste delivered for disposal
Executive Regulation Licensed Collectors, Haulers and All Other Persons Using County Facilities for the Disposal of Solid Waste –Must separately collect waste set out for disposal from materials set out in separate containers for recycling –Any collector who observes, or reasonably should have observed, recyclables in solid waste that have been set out for disposal, must notify the customer and the County
Executive Regulation Disposal of Recyclables Haulers, Collectors and other persons must….. –Deliver solid waste acceptable for disposal only to disposal facilities –Must not deliver solid waste acceptable for disposal to any recycling facility –Deliver recyclables acceptable for recycling only to recycling facilities –May not deliver for disposal to any solid waste acceptance facility any solid waste that is acceptable for recycling
Need Help?? On-site consultation and technical assistance Recycling and solid waste program design Seminars, workshops, special events and employee training (including bilingual training) Educational and reference materials Starter Recycling Kits Special Programs (cooperative agreements and model recycling programs; “Partners in Recycling”) Services Provided by the SORRT Program:
Questions? Need More Information? Montgomery County, MD Division of Solid Waste Services SORRT Program (240) (PHONE) (240) (FAX) (240) (TTY) 101 Monroe Street, 6th Floor Rockville, Maryland ( )