Forests and climate change Will Ashley-Cantello Chief Adviser, Forests
Forests: problem and solution Deforestation and degradation are responsible for between 10-20% global emissions. The “gigatonne gap” is 8-12GtCO2e by 2020… Agriculture, forests and land use emissions are 10-12Gt CO2e ZNDD by 2020 would reduce global emissions by 5Gt per year Forest restoration or afforestation is an effective adaptation measure
What are your objectives related to climate change? Zero Net Deforestation and Degradation = Zero Net Emissions from Def and Deg Forests and land use integrated into overall climate deal: env integrity and finance Mobilise greater levels of finance for REDD+ Promote non-carbon benefits from REDD+
What have you been doing/ key successes in last year? Relationships and advocacy – UNFCCC and ICF – promoting WWF objectives Sharing intelligence with Forest & Climate Programme; contributing to their policy positions Supported work by WWF-US and Latin American offices to raise LA country ambition on forests – led to “Lima Challenge.” Work through IPS in priority places, Forest Campaign
What plans and opportunities are there, including key dates? 26 January: HRH event on forests in climate change and Sustainable Development Goals March: launch of “Zero Net Deforestation: Status Report” Development of project to pilot ways to measure implementation of REDD+ safeguards Ongoing advocacy
Any key stakeholders/partners you are working with Forests and Climate Programme DECC (DFID and Defra) ClimateAdvisers HRH International Sustainability Unit BOND (and other NGOs) UNEP-WCMC