Questionnaire about Skills and Competence
What is meant by «competence» By competence we mean something that you gain by experience and the ability of a person to carry out a job properly using his/her knowledge, and skills in a specific working context
What is the difference between «competence» and «skills»? Skills are something that you have naturally, that you were born with. Competence is something that you learn and it is the ability to apply your knowledge while working
What competences and skills do you expect to gain throughout your course of study? We expect to gain general culture, the basic art techniques, electronics, graphic design and photographer competences
Do you think school should provide students with technical/specific competences only, or do you consider cross-curricular competences as important? Give reasons School should provide cross-curricular competences because the competences given to the students are not enough. School is a place where you should learn not just a few subjects, but also how to live and behave in our society, so every form of knowledge has to be considered important
Provide a list of technical/specific and cross-curricular skills acquired during your course of study TECHNICAL/SPECIFIC SKILLS Programming skills Drawing and painting skills PCB Design Be responsible CROSS CURRICULAR Face any type of situation/ problem solving
Have competences and skills obtained at school proved to be useful for your work experiences, if any? Every skill can be useful for our “hypothetic” job but it changes according to one’s work experience. Be able to use instrument such us oscillometer, multimeter etc.
What skills/competences were required off you during your work experiences or during your on-the-job-training? Comparing all answers it appeared that employers require: Commitment Availability Ability to exchange with people Be able to work manually Attention
What motivates you at work? Main motivations are: Economic independence Improving one’s competences, skills and knowledge
What motivations do you think can result more interesting for an employer in terms of benefits for the Company? Provide distinct information as to your national work market and the European one. For employer can be interesting in terms of benefits for the company that the employee is: Creativity (useful for new product research ) Productiveness Availability
What competences and skills do you think are required in your national work market? And in the European one? On our national work market in our opinion are required: Deep knowledge in a specific sector Availability to work in multicultural contexts Ability to work manually But on the European work market are also required: Linguistic competences
Should you decide to start your own business on what bases would you select employees in terms of competences, skills and motivations? If we decide to start our own business we choose an employee that is creative and smart, he should be able to solve most of the problems quickly and without mistakes but he must also be able to learn.
Imagine you have your own business and need to employ somebody: would your choice be based purely on the competences and skills of the applicants or would gender be a discriminating factor? Give reasons No, for us gender is not a discriminating factor; our choice is based purely on the competences and skills of the applicant because we think that men and woman should be granted equal rights and have equal dignity