All Things AIM November 2015
AIM’s Mission The mission of Administrators in Medicine (AIM) is to support administrators of medical licensure and regulatory authorities in achieving administrative excellence.
AIM Core Values Commitment to service Networking and collegiality Integrity Resourcefulness and innovation Education and information sharing Excellence
AIM Membership Full/active membership: Administrators in agencies responsible for licensure and/or discipline of physicians (sometimes additional health related professions) Associate membership: Individual representatives of certain organizations if primary functions are significantly related to the work of medical licensing boards Associate eligibility determined by the AIM Board of Directors
Organizational Structure Board of Directors Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) Regional Representatives: Eastern Southern Central Western Past President (Ex-Officio) Management Company
AIM & The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) FSMB: Members = state licensing board members Policy, board member education focus FSMB Board includes two associate members Also, committees and workgroups include associate members Sponsors annual Attorneys Workshop in the fall AIM Members = state licensing board executives Board staff education and operational issues focus AIM receives FSMB support for key projects
AIM Educational Programs Education/training - the cornerstone benefit of AIM membership Annual meeting End of April Day before FSMB meeting State board executives and staff Fall Executive Director Workshop State board executives- focused topics
AIM Educational Programs AIM Educational Programs (cont.) Certified Medical Board Investigator (CMBI) Program: Addresses the need for highly-trained medical board investigators Specialized, focused training workshop Credential criteria Supported by the FSMB
AIM Educational Programs AIM Educational Programs (cont.) Certified Medical Board Executive (CMBE) Program Advanced leadership training for state board executives Specialized, focused training workshop: Joint AIM/FSMB Executive Institute (JAFEI) Credential criteria FSMB support
AIM Educational Programs AIM Educational Programs (cont.) New Executive Orientation (NEO) Focused specialized training for the new state board executive Best practices for board meetings including agenda preparations Licensure/Investigative processes Running a government agency Employment law issues Open meetings and open records The legislative process AIM resources
AIM Services Website: Includes a public side and members’ only pages
AIM Services AIM Services (cont.) ExecNet List Serve: An electronic bulletin board service provided to full (paid) AIM members Board executives or their designees put out an electronic “call for assistance” to fellow board executives throughout the country Typical topics: legislative, licensing, disciplinary, technology, and board administration issues
AIM Services AIM Services (cont.) Administrators in Medicine Assessment Program (AIMAP) Impartial third party assessment of a state licensing board Evaluate administration, licensure, disciplinary processes Final report: recommendations and strategies to strengthen the state licensing board States where an AIMAP has been completed: Maine, Nevada, Oklahoma, North Carolina
AIM Products DocFinder: Founded in 1996 Nationally-recognized online search engine of boards’ licensees Provides web links to board websites AIM receives a financial benefit from DocFinder
AIM Products AIM Products (cont.) VeriDoc: A centralized state board to state board license verification system Physicians can verify multiple state licenses AIM receives a financial benefit from VeriDoc
AIM Recognition Best of Boards (BOB) Awards: Selected by an AIM BOB Committee Awarded during the April meeting Recognizes best practices, bright new ideas and innovative solutions
AIM Recognition AIM Recognition (cont.) Individual Awards: Doug Cerf Executive Director Award George S. Palmer MD Award John Ulwelling Special Recognition Award Ronald K. Williamson Award for Board Investigators Distinguished Service Award
Member Dues $1,000 per year Invoices sent prior to beginning of July 1 fiscal year Historically, paid memberships eligible for partial scholarships at Executive Director Workshop (in addition to all of the other benefits described above!)