Maritza Selva Rivera ENGL ‘Online' Oral Presentation Module 4 – Task 4.1- Part 1 Professor Mary Ann Toledo Conversational English SAY NO TO ABORTION
Attention Graber Is your mother alive? For the ones that are here and agree with taking this step, don’t forget to thank her for giving you the opportunity to express your opinion on the matter, because it only means, that you were given the chance to be alive and be here with me today and listen to what I’m going to say !
Introduction Close your eyes, breath deeply and position yourself as a baby. Everything is all dark, cozy, and warm. You are in the most comfortable environment you've ever known. Everything around you is pure and you feel like you are currently living in heaven. Then in one violent moment, you feel the greatest amount of pain imaginable and you can see this blinding light and then your limbs are ripped apart from your body, and you are now struggling to survive and then, in one quick snap of a rubber band, it's all over. Your life is done. Your only thought was 'mommy, how could you do this to me' ? Sounds terrible, ah? 3
Introduction…(cont.) Introduction…(cont.) And what do you parents and young people in the audience think? Never, never, never abort! Just to talk about facts there are thousands of children, at this very moment, that are in that position because their mothers are deciding whether they should live or not, and they cannot even defend themselves or even give an opinion. I will prove you with facts, the consequences you might encounter, in the event you are thinking and eventually decide to go ahead with this decision.
Thesis -No matter the circumstances of the unwanted pregnancy, adoption is an option.
References English 2050 – 3357 Online, (2014); Module 4, Task 4.1; Preparing your Speech;- (Part 1); Retrieved in: