Oppressed and Restored Exodus
Bible Rewind Creation to Noah Abram and Sarai God’s Covenant with Abram LOB – Land Offspring Blessing Joseph Dreamer Jealous Brothers Slavery
Bible Rewind Joseph (cont.) Potiphar and his wife Pharaoh has dreams 7 Years of Abundance 7 Years of Famine Deputy Pharaoh/Prime Minister Brothers show up Things seem OK Jacob (dad) shows up and later dies Brothers worried Joseph reassures them Joseph dies
Bible Rewind So now what? All of Israel is in Egypt because of Joseph and his former position New pharaoh in power
Oppression Exodus 1:8-14 Exodus 1:15-22 Why did God reward the midwives? Was there anything wrong with them lying about the babies? Have you ever been asked to do something that you know to be sinful? How did you feel?
Moses Birth, Nile, Discovered, and Adopted Moses does something surprising Exodus 2:11-14 Pharaoh dies – change in leadership! God remembers… Exodus 2:24-25
A Sight to See Moses tending his flock and sees a burning bush that wasn’t being consumed by the flames He approaches and God speaks to him Moses questions God – Who am I to go? Moses questions again – Who should I say sent me? Exodus 3:13-15
10 Plagues Overview PlagueIn spite of… 1. Nile turned to bloodHapi & Isis, gods of the Nile 2. FrogsHaget, goddess of birth w/ frog head 3. GnatsSet, god of the desert 4. FliesRe, sun god, Uatchit, represented by a fly 5. Death of LivestockHathor, goddess w/ cow head 6. BoilsSekhmet and Sunu, gods of disease and pestilence 7. HailNut, sky goddess, Set, god of storms 8. LocustsOsiris, god of crops and fertility 9. 3 Days of DarknessRe and Horus, gods of the sun 10. Death of FirstbornMin, god of reproduction, Isis, goddess who protected children, Pharaoh’s firstborn son, a god
The Exodus Exodus 12:35-36 Exodus 13:17, Exodus 14:4-5 Exodus 14:10-14 Did God have a plan? Have you ever had an experience where you felt abandoned by God? What were your thoughts and feelings?
Parting of the…. Pepper Water?
Joy! Exodus 15:1, 13, 18 They’ve just been saved from oppression and what’s the first thing they do? COMPLAIN! Exodus 15:24-26
10 Commandments 1. You shall have no other gods. 2. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. 3. Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy. 4. Honor your father and your mother. 5. You shall not murder. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 9. You shall not covet neighbor’s house. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Covenant Fulfilled Exodus 15:3, 12
Talk about it! Why did God allow things to be so difficult for the Israelites? Why are things difficult in our lives? The Passover was important to the Israelites because it celebrated how God saved them. Why is the Passover important for us today? What was God trying to teach the Israelites by allowing Pharaoh to go chase after them? What are some things that God has taught you, but sometimes you still have to be reminded of them?