Exodus 9:13-35.  God desires all people to know Him  He is creating a people for himself.


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Presentation transcript:

Exodus 9:13-35

 God desires all people to know Him  He is creating a people for himself

 God promised Abraham that those who blessed/cursed him and his descendants would be blessed/cursed (Genesis 12:3)

 God promised Abraham that through him all people would be blessed (Genesis 12:3)

 Time of blessing had passed; oppression had begun

 God calls Moses to deliver his people from Egypt

 Pharaoh refuses to let Israel leave; God executes 10 plagues against Egypt

 God’s mission is about God more than us

 God reveals himself  To Israel (e.g., 4:31; 10:2; 14:31)  To Egypt (e.g., 7:5; 8:19; 9:16)

 YHWH is the one true God  Egyptian ‘gods’ are pretenders  Real power overwhelms counterfeit power (e.g., 7:12)

 YHWH is Master and Lord of Creation  He uses creation to punish the Egyptians

 YHWH keeps his promises  Blessings  Curses

 YHWH gathers a people for himself  Israel  Egyptians (9:20; 12:38)

 YHWH is worthy of worship  Worship is the proper response to God’s revelation of Himself

 We too are called to worship God and to make Him known to our world