Something that looks good, or golden, on the outside…… but when you look scratch the surface, underneath things are rotten and corrupt!! An era during the late 1800s of fabulous wealth and deep poverty
A story where someone starts out with nothing, but through….. Hard work Honesty A little luck …..becomes rich!! Can you think of any examples???
Railroads New York State 11 steamboats coffee breaks Christmas bonuses railroads East hard-working Vanderbilt “You have undertaken to cheat me. I won't sue you, for the law is too slow. I'll ruin you.” Cornelius VanderbiltCornelius Vanderbilt
Steel Pittsburgh, PA Scottish money Monopolies Low, unions $500,000, million libraries "My heart is in the work." -- Andrew Carnegie
It is OK to have only a few rich people in the world, BUT….. The rich should use their money to benefit society Can you think of examples????
Oil Cleveland, OH Oil Standard Oil Cutthroat, cruel richest charities, research private “I believe that the power to make money is a gift from God.” John D. Rockefeller
Automobile Detroit, MI farmer automobile Model A assembly plant wages middle class substance abuse 1936 “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.” Henry Ford