Cornelius Vanderbilt Andrew Carnegie John Rockefeller J.P. Morgan The Captains of Industry
Cornelius Vanderbilt=Railroads He started with steamboats in competition with Fulton. He then built the New York Central Railroad system and then built the Grand Central Railroad. He gave $$$$millions$$$ to Vanderbilt University, but he is still a robber baron.
Andrew Carnegie=steel He was born in Scotland and worked as a bobbin boy and a telegraph operator. He then worked for the Pennsylvania Railroad. He invested in a steel company near Pittsburg (Homestead Strike). He built libraries and colleges!
John D. Rockefeller=oil He started out being a bookkeeper and then went into the grain business. He then invested in oil. (Standard Oil) He had a monopoly on the oil business by owning 85% of the oil in the U.S.! Rockefeller gave away about $550 million to charities! Colonial Williamsburg was restored thanks to him!
J.P. Morgan=steel He was a wealthy banker that bought U.S. Steel. He had so much money, he loaned money to the U.S. government! He spent money on art, yachts, and fine champagne! He willed his art to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY City!
Discussion Questions…….. What do you think Henry Ford is famous for? What do you think a ROBBER BARON is? What do you think the Gilded Age means? Why do you think these men got SO rich? What is a philanthropist? What were examples of the biggest businesses in the early 1900’s?