Exploration to Isolation
Ming Dynasty Hongwu, a peasant, led an army that drove out the Mongols, and became the 1 st Ming Emperor. Restored agricultural land, erased all traces of the Mongols, promoted China’s power and prosperity. Agricultural reforms increased rice production, improved irrigation, introduction of fish farming and commercial crops of cotton and sugar cane. Yonglo, his son, moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing Launched the first of the seven voyages of exploration led by Chinese Muslim Zheng He
Zheng He Earliest voyages were to Southeast Asia, and India, then to Arabia and eastern Africa. Yonglo had hoped to exand China’s tribute system. Zheng He sailed with 40 to 300 ships, fighting ships, storage vessels, and treasure ships up to 440 feet long. They had about 27,000 crew members, which were composed of sailors, soldiers, carpenters, interpreters, accountants, doctors, and religious leaders. They were a floating city. Zheng He distributed gifts such as gold, silver, silk, and scented oils which showed China’s superiority 16 countries sent tribute, many envoys traveled to China. The scholar-officials complained that the voyages wasted resources. After the 7 th voyage, China withdrew into self-sufficient isolation.
A Chinese Junk and a European Caravel
Qing Dynasty The Manchus invaded the weak Ming. Chinese men were forced to wear a pigtail as a sign of submission to the Manchus. Upheld Confucian beliefs and social structure. Restored prosperity and made the frontiers safe. Foreigners could only trade in special ports and pay tribute. Made Korea a vassal state, and adopted Chinese customs.