Coalition for Sustainable Flood Insurance 2016 Strategy April
About CSFI Flood insurance should: 1.Be long-term sustainable 2.Be actuarially responsible 3.Protect home and business owners who have “played by the rules” Built to code Maintained insurance Not had repetitive losses 2 The Coalition for Sustainable Flood Insurance (CSFI) was formed in May 2013 as a national response to dramatic flood insurance premium increases. CSFI began its effort as an education movement to inform both property owners and lawmakers about the harmful unintended consequences of the Biggert-Waters Act. With the passage of the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act, CSFI is pivoting towards 2017 reauthorization of the NFIP. CSFI now represents 250 business and civic associations and local governments in 35 states. We believe in three key principles about flood insurance :
A National Coalition CSFI Results 3 35 states 250+ organizations from across USA Who We Are: Coalition for Sustainable Flood Insurance
CSFI Results 4 Passage of H.R Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act March
NFIP Reauthorization The Coalition for Sustainable Flood Insurance (CSFI) will lead the national effort to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program for a full five year reauthorization through 2022 Since 2017 will bring a new Congress and Administration, we recommend negotiating our policy proposals by the end of 2016 to ensure success. CSFI will propose reforms in the following areas: 5 Rate Structure Reforms Mapping Process Reforms Administrative Reforms Business and Commercial Reforms Consumer Protections Historic Properties 2016 Strategy
NFIP Reauthorization Rate Structure Changes Preserve grandfathering and basement exception Ensure all properties are treated equally, including pre-FIRM businesses and second homes Preserve the limitation of annual rate increases on residential property to 18% or less Ensure the sales trigger is not put back into law Reinforce the provision requiring the NFIP Director to “strive” to ensure annual rates on individual residential properties do not exceed 1% of the coverage amount Provide a credit to all pre-FIRM properties who secure an elevation certificate 6
2016 Strategy NFIP Reauthorization Mapping Process Reforms Exclusion provisions codified so that parishes and counties can adopt portions of maps at a time Establish neutral third party review process for maps prior to public release Secure provision stating that any major policy changes to the mapping process must include input from state and local jurisdictions 7
2016 Strategy NFIP Reauthorization FEMA Administration Reforms Limit Write Your Own commissions Enhance enforcement of requirement to carry flood insurance in Special Flood Hazard Areas to bring participation to 100% Establish general criteria to ease certifications for flood proofing, etc. Consider including long term funding for the Flood Insurance Advocate Office 8
2016 Strategy NFIP Reauthorization Consumer Protections Allow properties that were built to code to retain their grandfathered status permanently, even if they choose to go to the private market and subsequently return to the NFIP Develop a suite of mitigation options that allow homeowners to receive a discount if implemented Fund reimbursements for successful map appeals and lift $250,000 legislative cap 9
2016 Strategy NFIP Reauthorization Business and Commercial Reforms Ensure reforms proposed by key industries are included: Banking industry Homebuilding industry Real Estate 10
NFIP Reauthorization Next Steps Since 2017 will bring a new Congress and Administration, we recommend negotiating our policy proposals by the end of 2016 to ensure success. With a goal to negotiate the details of the 2017 reauthorization package by the end of 2016, CSFI will begin working with: Congress and Congressional Leadership o Working directly with leadership to ascertain the best way to negotiate the committee process and with Congress to begin to socialize our policy proposals Outside Associations o Working directly with national associations who support our position to ensure important local government and business interests are addressed o Identifying where opportunities exist to address associations in opposition Regional Coalition Members o Working directly with different regions around the country who are preparing to engage to ensure their interests are addressed 2016 Strategy 11
NFIP Reauthorization Timeline for Completion Q1 Objectives o Coalition-wide Kickoff Call – Tuesday, February 23 o Engage national local government and national business associations to understand policy priorities that need inclusion Q2 Objectives o Develop and Complete white papers on each key reform area that are inclusive of key policy priorities from national business and local government organizations and key regions in CSFI Q3 & Q4 Objectives o Socialize and secure support for policy proposals with Congress so that a deal is achieved 2016 Strategy 12
Contact Information Caitlin Berni O: C: Michael Hecht O: C: On the web Our address 1100 Poydras Suite 3475 New Orleans, LA