BUILDING STRONG SM Revitalizing and Expanding Partnerships Charles E. Shadie, P.E. Senior Hydraulic Engineer Mississippi Valley Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Presentation to National Association of Conservation Districts February 3, 2009
BUILDING STRONG SM 200 year vision of America’s Watershed World’s 3 rd largest drainage basin Drains 41% of continental United States and two Canadian provinces
BUILDING STRONG SM Division Overview Six Districts Mississippi Valley Division HQ Mississippi River Commission HQ
BUILDING STRONG SM Partnering & Collaboration Form, strengthen and foster relationships in the joint and interagency environments to accomplish our missions. Actively collaborate with customers, stakeholders and the public with a clear focus on external views, needs and balanced water resource engineering solutions.
BUILDING STRONG SM Mississippi River Commission 2009 Inspections March 29 – April 3 High-water trip ► Cairo, Ill. ► Tunica or Memphis ► Vicksburg, Miss. ► Baton Rouge, La. August 9-21 Low-water trip ► Arkansas River (meeting sites not yet determined) ► Caruthersville, Mo. ► Memphis, Tenn. ► Greenville, Miss. ► Morgan City, La.
BUILDING STRONG SM Navigation Collaboration National Waterways Conference, Inc. NWC mission is to effect common sense policies and programs, recognizing the public value of our Nation's waterway system and its contribution to public safety, a competitive economy, security, environmental quality and energy conservation. established 1960 Waterways Council, Inc. WCI mission is to advocate for optimal federal funding for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the Nation’s ports and inland waterways. established 2003
BUILDING STRONG SM Flood Risk Management Collaboration Upper Mississippi, Illinois, & Missouri Rivers Association (UMIMRA) Develop balanced relationships between flood protection, navigation, environmental, economic and recreational interests. Develop a Comprehensive Plan for flood protection in the Upper Mississippi River Valley. Promote levee and drainage districts as full partners in balanced use of rivers for agriculture, recreation and environmental purposes. established 1954
BUILDING STRONG SM Environmental Protection and Restoration Collaboration Ducks Unlimited MOU Signing Regional cooperation agreements established with major science-based environmental groups. Project partnerships are planned and executed at District-level. Teaming with non-governmental organizations is “best value” for the American Taxpayer.
BUILDING STRONG SM Emergency Management Collaboration Interagency River and Rainfall Forecast Summit Interagency Midwest Flood Mitigation Workshop Interagency Levee Task Force Interagency Hurricane Exercises
BUILDING STRONG SM Louisiana Coastal Area Comprehensive plan for ecosystem restoration Key team members ► USACE ► LA CPRA ► USFWS ► EPA ► USGS ► NOAA Fisheries Co-located at MVN to facilitate collaboration
BUILDING STRONG SM Authorized by Congress following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Comprehensive approach to hurricane storm damage risk reduction and coastal restoration Preparing a draft technical report for external peer review Preparing public report and PEIS Construction depends on legislation passed through Congress Authorized by Congress following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Comprehensive approach to hurricane storm damage risk reduction and coastal restoration Preparing a draft technical report for external peer review Preparing public report and PEIS Construction depends on legislation passed through Congress Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration
BUILDING STRONG SM Diversion Summit March 3-5, 2009 In New Orleans, La. Includes all stakeholders
BUILDING STRONG SM Integrated Water Resources Planning The Mississippi River: America’s Great River Regional MOU with Ducks Unlimited