Kelly Romano, MPH Director, Infection Control and Patient Safety Einstein Medical Center Montgomery
(Lack of)Isolation Gear(PPE) Ebola R/o Meningitis Gastrointestinal bugs Tuberculosis Influenza Vector-borne illness Bed Bugs (not infectious) Blood-borne Pathogens Multi-drug resistant organisms
Difficult to wear protective gear in an emergency May not be the first thing on your mind How readily available are gowns and masks? Wearing and removing them properly
Ebola has been around for many years-why did this create such a crisis in the US? Education among ED staff on the proper way to don/doff PPE Need to begin screening patients for travel history upon, and sometimes prior to entry to the ED
There are several different types of Meningitis. Bacterial Meningitis is the only type of meningitis that requires isolation and follow up with exposed staff. ALWAYS….err on the side of caution with precautions (and contact infection control for clarification).
Diarrheal illness could be anything. A good patient history can explain what could be going on. A medication history can also help with identification. What the patient has recently consumed: lunch meat, restaurant, ground beef, chicken, eggs. The type and frequency of the stool. Foodborne vs Fecal/oral route or medication related
Travel history is important, especially relative to possible MDR-TB What is your community assessment? Your facility assessment? Are you high risk? Most identification in the ED is going to rely heavily on clinical information. Different stages of Tuberculosis, not all are contagious Exposure follow up to confirmed cases can last for years after exposure.
Flu Vaccine campaigns Patient triaging for symptoms-provide masks Staff wearing masks while caring for patients with symptoms No airborne precautions are necessary, just droplet Seasons can vary-ask Infection Prevention or listen for important information from your IP staff.
You are contending with different types of viruses and fevers linked to bugs How do you decide which is what you are looking for That’s right-a good travel history! Vector-borne illnesses are not transmitted from person-person WNV, EEE, Dengue Fever, Lyme Disease, Chikungunya
Their back and smarter then ever, we have made them resistant to some pesticides. Having just one male bed bug can cause a problem, but just one female is different. They do not live on people, they live on objects/belongings. Mainly objects that they can attach to. Temperature has a large impact on the bug. Bed bugs don’t spread organisms.
Use standard precautions for all patients. You never know what you are going to get. If it’s wet and doesn’t belong to you, put a barrier on. Utilize sharps safety devices. Follow up right away on any potential bloodborne exposures.
There is a growing problem in healthcare with MDRO’s. Check any alerts in the chart for a past history. Your review of the chart can also help the admissions staff and receiving nursing staff. According to the CDC, healthcare workers share the same colonization rate of MRSA as the community. Not all healthcare workers are colonized with MRSA.
Wear your PPE when appropriate, know how to put it on and take it off. Get a good patient history. Pay attention to information coming from the Infection Prevention Department. Get to know your IP’s, they have a lot of knowledge about infections and how to prevent them.