POIWG Jan , 2013 Stéphanie HERR - Alain MAILLET CADMOS HIGHLIGHTS – Incr 35&36
IMMUNO: Neuroendocrine and immunological changes REVERSIBLE FIGURES: Perceived reversals of perspective Reversible Figures BDC only: CARTILAGE: Effect of microgravity on cartilage morphology and biology (ground only) SARCOLAB: Myotendinous and Neuromuscular adaptation to long term spaceflight Partners activities Support: BP Reg: Blood Pressure Regulation (support to CSA) DOSIS-3D: data downlink via EPM and execution of DOSIS 3D experiment (support to MUSC) ENERGY: Astronaut’s energy requirements for long-term space flights (support to DAMEC) ICV: Integrated Cardiovascular (support to NASA-ICV for EPM CBPD) VESSEL IMAGING: Vascular Imaging (support to DAMEC) Increments SUPPORTED ACTIVITES
3 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville Ops LeadExperiments (activity prime) Lucie Campagnoloin certification process: ENERGY, REVERSIBLE FIGURES Stéphanie HerrBP Reg, ENERGY, MARES, REVERSIBLE FIGURES, SARCOLAB Alain MailletEPM, DOSIS-3D, ENERGY, MARES, VESSEL IMAGING Maurice MarnatREVERSIBLE FIGURES, BP Reg François NuyttensENERGY, IMMUNO, MARES, REVESIBLE FIGURES, SARCOLAB Lourdes Oro MarotREVERSIBLE FIGURES, MARES, DOSIS-3D, ENERGY, SARCOLAB Hélène RugetDOSIS-3D, ENERGY, EPM, MARES, SARCOLAB, BP Reg Cécile ThevenotDOSIS-3D, ENERGY, EPM, VESSEL IMAGING Stéphanie François Hélène Cécile Maurice CADMOS OPS Team Lourdes Alain Lucie
4 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville BP REG A Simple In-flight Method to Test the Risk of Fainting on Return to Earth After Long-Duration Space Flights Science overview CSA experiment The objective of this experiment is to test the efficacy of an in-flight manipulation of arterial blood pressure (BP) as an indicator of post-flight response to a brief stand test. Space flight negatively impacts the regulation of BP on return to upright posture on earth. A Leg Cuff test will challenge BP regulation by inducing a brief drop in BP following the release of a short occlusion of blood flow to the legs. The change in BP from pre- to in-flight will be used to predict those astronauts who will experience the greatest drop in BP in the post-flight stand test. Main Hardware CADMOS: Cardiolab (CDL), part of the European Physiology Modules (EPM), controlling the Leg- Arm Cuff System (LACS) DAMEC: Pulmonary Function System (PFS), part of the Human Research Facility 2, Continuous Blood Pressure Device (NASA-CBPD, getting power from HRF-2) Subjects Inc 35-36: C. Hadfield, T. Marshburn / 8 subjects required Implementation Measurement A: Continuous BP during Leg Cuff (EPM+CDL+LACS+ NASA CBPD) Measurement B: Continuous BP during Cardiac Output while rebreathing: (HRF- 2+PFS+PAM+PFM+GDS +CBPD) Crew time Under CSA allocation CADMOS Data LACS data stored on CARDIOLAB – downlink to ground via EPM (Medium Rate) Photo / Video Video (Leg cuff protocol, PFM/PAM calibration, rebreathing), TBD restricted If countermeasures are used: Measurements A+B, at R-30 ± 7d, and then measurement A at R-7 to R-0) If no countermeasures are used: Measurements A+B, at R-30 ±7d
5 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville BP REG LACS part Prerequisite LACS BP REG GCP installation on EPM Laptop (requires 5 min of crew time for EPM laptop activation) to be performed once before first session Installation is performed by CADMOS by executing a batch file If T61p transition is successful, BP Reg will be executed on T61p (Note: A31p could also be used as long as GCP is installed on EPM laptop) LACS Protocol 0 mmHg during 2 min for BP baseline measurement with NASA CBPD Then 3 min of thigh occlusion at 150 mmHg Then deflation to 0mmHg, maintained during 2 min Repeat inflation/deflation twice (total of three times)
6 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville REVERSIBLE FIGURES Perceived reversals during visualization of perspective-reversible figures Science overview The objective of this experiment is to investigate whether the perception of ambiguous figures is affected by microgravity. The experiment will compare the percept reversals during the visualization of perspective-reversible figures in astronauts before, during and after long-term duration exposure to microgravity. Free floating required Main Hardware ESA MultiPurpose Payload Laptop Visor, Trackball, dedicated Hard disk, PCMCIA Card Subjects Inc 35-36: C. Hadfield, T. Marshburn, (K. Nyberg) 1 subject completed out of 6 (S. Williams) Implementation 6 sessions per subject (4 mandatory) Crew time 65 min per session + 10 min after last session for data downlink Data Data stored on PCMCIA card – downlink to ground via OCA Photo / Video Video desired to check free floating position
7 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville REVERSIBLE FIGURES Perceived reversals during visualization of perspective-reversible figures Head mounted display (visor) Setup in Columbus starboard cone Hard Disk and Ultrabay Adapter Trackball
8 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville
9 MARES Current Status Battery failure on GMT2013/003 After MARES payload and MARES sw were started Crew reported an alert informing on a Battery Unbalanced problem and MARES shut-down The current unbalanced status of the MARES battery is due to the discharge produced by the monitoring circuit during such a long time without any charge. The battery was armed on Sept 2010 and the first charge attempt was in January 2013 After consultation of battery developer: re-charging attempt of battery will not have any success or only a very low probability. Battery might be able to be charged but will not hold the charge level when load is applied Conclusion No recovery of the onboard battery, replacement by spare battery Functional tests on spare battery to be conducted to evaluate the modifications required to avoid taht same issue occurs again - Upload date is so TBD MARES C/O 1 cancelled from Inc 34 SARCOLAB C/O removed from Inc 35-36
10 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville ENERGY Astronaut’s energy requirements for long-term space flights (support to DAMEC) Science overview Measure energy requirements before and during long-term space flight (>90 days), through doubly labeled water (DLW) intake to measure total energy expenditure (TEE) and body composition Main Hardware DAMEC: PFS (in HRF2) including MBS system, PFS Face Mask Kit, Energy kit CADMOS: EPM & EPM Laptop, Energy Armband Kit (upload 50-P), Energy Food Kit, Energy Urine Collection Kit, Energy Sample Kit, Energy Armband Consumable Kit, Energy UltraBay Wallet, Water Sampling Kit, Energy Water Kit, Urine Containment Bag Kit Coordinated ops with NASA for PFS, Water Sampling done from US P/L PWD only Subjects Inc 35-36: C. Hadfield (prime), T. Marshburn (reserve subject) Number of inflight subjects already performed: 2 out of 9 Implementation 1 session of 11 days, from L+90 days (18/03/2013) to R-3 weeks (23/04/2013) Crew time A subject : 5.83hrs for PFS hrs for ENERGY stand-alone. Data Samples downloaded at ambient temperature, data downlinked via EPM Photo / Video N/A Laptop transition T61p to be used (PODFs under modifications) (A31p will remain as b/u solution: to be stowed in EPM facility container)
11 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville ENERGY Astronaut’s energy requirements for long-term space flights (support to DAMEC) Armband Energy Sample Kit Energy Water Kit Energy Armband Consumable Kit Energy Water Dispenser x10 ENERGY Food Kit Energy Urine Collection Kit
12 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville IMMUNO Neuroendocrine and immune responses during and after long term stay at ISS Science overview Stand alone experiment to study how human psycho-neuroendocrine and immunologic systems adapt to space environment, and how these processes are dependent on the cellular level of signal processing Main Hardware Plasma03 centrifuge MELFI freezer Stress Test paper sheets, Saliva-Immuno kit, MBI Defence kit, Plasma 03 kit. Coordination with MOST-OC for sampling activities, and HRF for MELFI insertion Subjects Inc 35-36: Romanenko (last subject) Implementation First session during quiet period between L+3 months and L+5months Second session during R-14 days and R-4 days Crew time 2h/session (+30min for a support by a crew operator during blood sampling) Stress Tests, Saliva Samplings, Blood Sampling Data Blood samples (frozen), paper Current Stress tests sheets, blood smears boxes and saliva tubes, blood sampling logbooks. Photo / Video Pictures of inflight operations: nice to have for presentation purpose. MOST OC: responsible for overall experiment
13 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville ExperimentsPre-flightPost-flight ENERGY Between L-150 and L-30 DEXA scan b/w L-365d and L0 Body mass before launch Body mass between R+0 and R+7d DEXA scan between R+0d and R+1y REVERSIBLE FIGURES L-120 ±30d, L-90 ±30d, L-60 ±30d R+1 ±1d, R+4 ±2d, R+8 ±2d IMMUNO Between L-30d/L-7dR+1 or R+2, R+7, R NEUROSPAT L-90d, L-60d, L-30d.R+2, R+6, >R+15 (x2) CARTILAGE 1 session on 2 days (blood x 2 days, urine x 2 days, MRI one of the 2 days) ideally in the 14 days pre-flight, no fixed date necessary (before the crew’s last travel to GCTC R+1(-0/+1): early blood and urine collection (fasting) on 1 day only, no MRI R+ 2 to 7 days: Complete session on 2 days R+ 4 to 6 weeks: Complete session Baseline Data Collection Overview EAC JSC GCTC JSC
14 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville REVERSIBLE FIGURES: Perceived reversals of perspective Reversible Figures BDC only: CARTILAGE: Effect of microgravity on cartilage morphology and biology (ground only) Partners activities Support: BP Reg: Blood Pressure Regulation (support to CSA) DOSIS-3D: Dose Distribution inside ISS (support to MUSC) ENERGY: Astronaut’s energy requirements for long-term space flights (support to DAMEC) ICV: Integrated Cardiovascular (support to NASA-ICV for EPM CBPD) SUPPORTED ACTIVITES Increments 37-38
16 CADMOS – POIWG#33 I Jan , 2013I Huntsville BPBlood PressureHRFHuman Research Facility CDLCardiolabLACSLeg/Arm Cuffs System CBPDContinuous Blood Pressure DevicePFSPulmonary Function System DEXADual-Energy X-ray AbsorptiometryMARESMuscle Atrophy Research & Exercise System DLWDoubly Labeled WaterMELFIMinus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS EPMEuropean Physiology Modules Facility PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association EMGElectromyogrammePEMSPercutaneous Electrical Muscle Stimulator GCPGuided Crew ProcedureSWSoftware HDHard DiskTEETotal Energy Expenditure ACRONYMS