Hidden Desires: Improving Services for LGB People with Learning Disabilities Kaye Jones, Service Manager Dr Christine Rivers, Head of Equality and Human Rights September 2014
Quiz 1. Roughly how many people in the UK are LGB and have a learning disability? 2 A. Around 1,000 B. Around 10,000 C. Around 30,000 D. Around 60,000 E. Around 100,000
2. What percentage of PWLD live alone? 3 A. Less than 1% B. 4% C. 10% D. 20% E. 28%
3. ‘Homosexuality’ is illegal in how many countries around the world? 4 A. 10 B. 32 C. 47 D. 63 E. 78
4. In the UK, are there more: A: Gay men B: Lesbian women? 6
5. What percentage of young people have experienced bullying in school? 7 A: 5% B: 23% C: 47% D: 65% E: 85%
Which of these has the highest levels of reported hate crime? 8 A: Homophobic B: Anti-faith C: Disability
What are the issues for PWLD who are LGB? 9
1. Falling in between 10
2. Multiple Disadvantage 11 Investigation reveals appalling neglect by NHS of people with learning disabilities Report says appropriate care was not provided Cases include man who starved in hospital Warren Cox, 30, died following perforation of the appendix. “An Avoidable Death” Ombudsman’s report
3. Diagnostic Overshadowing 12
4. No sexuality 13
5. No LGBT Peers 14
6. Lack of LGBT Visibility 15
7. Prejudice 16
8. Risk 17
9. Lack of guidance, knowledge 18
10. The importance of families for PWLD 19
Opportunities for change Find your Allies, work with them Talk to organisations about LGB people with learning disabilities, ask them what they are doing Create a welcoming environment with LGBT visibility Talk about relationships, and talk about same sex relationships at the same time Families, carers may need support, guidance, advice – their input is critical Support people as humans who want to love and be loved – we all do Challenge prejudice wherever it occurs Get to know what is out there – support, information, groups – start something if there isnt anything already in place 20
Thank you