I. Americans Settle in the Southwest A. The Mission System The Southwest was populated with Natives and Mexicans Mexicans tried to convert Natives into Catholicism The mission system declined in 1820 – 1830 Some Natives left while some were forced to stay as a laborer a. Natives then retaliated by terrorizing and raiding Mexican and American settlements.
I. Americans Settle in the Southwest B. The Impact of Mexican Independence Trade opportunities between Mexico's northern provinces & U.S. multiplied. Tejano livestock and goods to trade in Santa Fe, new Mexico, north and west of Texas Mexico sought to improve economy. Mexico eased trade restrictions w/ U.S. which made trade w/ U.S. more attractive than Mexico & Northern provinces. Natives continued to threaten Mexican settlements. Mexican gov. Looked for ways to strengthen ties w/ Mexico City & northern provinces.
I. Americans Settle in the Southwest C. Mexico invites U.S. Settlers Mexican gov. encouraged American farmers to settle Texas to help border control & protect from Native American attacks. 1821, 1823, & 1824, Mexico offered huge land grants to agents, aka empresarios. In turn empresarios attracted Americans, who bought cheap land in return for a pledge to obey Mexican laws & observe their religion, Catholicism. New inventions & manufactured goods fed the American urge to remove any barrier to settlement of the west. The pop. of Anglo, or English speaking, settlers from Europe surpassed the pop. of Tejano in Texas. a. In 1830s, the Anglo lived as naturalized Mexican Citizens.
I. Americans Settle in the Southwest D. Austin in Texas Most successful empresario: Stephen F. Austin a. Est. a colony between Brazos & Colorado River. b Austin issued 297 land grants to a group called Texas's Old Three Hundred c. Each Family=177 cheap acres of farmland(4,428 acres) d. 10yr. Exemption from paying taxes Texas became popular John Q. Adams offered to buy Texas (1 mill) Jackson upped the bid (5 mill)
II. Texas Fights for Independence A. Come to Texas 1830 Mexico sealed borders and put a tax on importation of U.S. goods Lacked troops for border control Anglo pop. 2x in 1834 Austin won a repeal of the prohibition on immigration Anglos went to Texas Mexican president was Antonio Ló pez de Santa Anna a. Suspended in 1842 the Mexican constitution b. Austin imprisoned for inciting revolution c. Revoked local powers= states started rebellions (lead to Texas Revolution)
II. Texas Fights for Independence B. Remember the Alamo Santa Anna went toward San Antonio w/ 4,000 member army Austin had his followers arm themselves 1835 Texans drove the Mexicans from Alamo, an abandoned mission & fort Santa A. went N and destroyed the small American garrison in the Alamo. Jim Bowie (invented bowie knife) and Davie Crockett died
II. Texas Fights for Independence C. Lone Star Republic 1836 Santa A. killed 300 rebels at Goliad a. Alamo & Goliad victory proved costly Texans struck back a. Led by Sam Houston b. Killed 630 of Santa A.'s guys in 18 min. + captured Santa A. Set Santa A. free after signing Treaty of Velasco (Independence of Texas) 1836 Houston= Pres. of Republic of Texas Lone Star Republic set up army, navy, and flew flag w/ the lone gold star
II. Texas Fights for Independence D. Texas Joins the Union 1836 battle for Alamo was raging Texas rebels likened themselves to U.S. colonists Ratified a constitution based on the U.S.'s Houston invited U.S. to annex or incorporate the Texas rep. To the U.S. a. Lead to problems w/ slavery (Northerners thought this would disturb the scale of slavery) 1844 U.S. presidential election featured a debate on West expansion James K. Polk became president Dec. 29, 1845 Texas= 28th state Events moved toward war