World War II
Map of German Conquest up to 1938
Germany sparks a new war Sept. 1, 1939- Germany invaded Poland beginning World War France and Great Britain declared war on Germany Sept. 3
Blitzkrieg (lightning warfare)- new German strategy Used fast moving airplanes and tanks Followed by massive infantry Caught enemy by surprise
Russia and Germany Stalin occupied the Eastern half of Poland and annexed Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia Hitler and Stalin had already signed a 10 year Nonaggression Pact
British and French mobilized and occupied the Maginot Line a line of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, machine gun posts and other defenses which France constructed along its border with Germany
Battle of Dunkirk Germany had pushed the Allies back through France to the northern coast May 1940- Germany had trapped French and British soldiers GB sent navy and all available ships (850) to rescue 338,000 soldiers
France Fell in June 1940 to Germany (with Italy’s help) Vichy France- puppet government set up French General Charles de Gaulle fled to London and encouraged a liberation movement
Battle of Britain Winston Churchill- prime minister of Great Britain Summer of 1940, Luftwaffe began bombing Britain and lasted until May 1941 Royal Air Force (RAF) used radar and enigma machine to defeat the Germans Important battle because it showed Hitler could be stopped Battle of Britain
Eastern Front British were beating Italy in North Africa Germany sent Erwin Rommel “the desert fox” and the Africa Korps to assist Italy
The Balkans Germany needed to take the Balkans so that they could have bases from which to invade the Soviet Union Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary all joined Axis Powers to avoid being crushed Greece and Yugoslavia resisted
Operation Barbarossa German invasion of Russia, June 1941 Surprise attack caught Russian Army off guard Army poorly trained and equipped Russians used scorched earth policy again Germans surrounded Leningrad, attempted to take Moscow, but winter hit
Allied victory in Europe
British defeated German forces under Rommel at the Battle of El Alamein Operation Torch- led by Dwight D. Eisenhower- squashed the German Afrika Korps
In Russia, the German Army moved into the bomb-ruined city of Stalingrad for the winter Soviets surrounded the city and starved the Germans into surrendering on Feb 1943
Tehran Conference
Tehran Conference Churchill (England) and Roosevelt (US) met to decide to help Stalin (USSR) open a new front in Europe (Operation Overlord) which would coincide with a Russian invasion from the East First time all three had met each other
In 1943, the Allies began building an invasion force in England June 6, 1944- D-Day- Operation Overlord involved thousands of planes, ships, tanks, landing craft, and 3.5 million troops landing on the coast of France at Normandy.
By September, the Allied forces liberated France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and much of the Netherlands The Allied forces moved in on Germany from the West, while the Soviets moved in from the East
Dec 16, 1944- Battle of the Bulge- German forces broke through weak American defenses and pushed the Allied line in Ardennes, France, but the Allies pushed back.
Yalta Conference February 1945 Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin purpose was to discuss Europe's post-war reorganization
Allies captured Rome in 1944, Mussolini was caught trying to retreat with the Germans in April 1945. He was shot and his body hung in the Milan town square
April 30, 1945- Hitler, after marrying long-time companion Eva Braun, and writing a final speech blaming the entire war on the Jews, committed suicide.
May 8, 1945- VE Day (Victory in Europe) General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Germans