На современном этапе основной целью обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе является развитие коммуникативных навыков разговорной речи и использование.


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Presentation transcript:

На современном этапе основной целью обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе является развитие коммуникативных навыков разговорной речи и использование их для решения жизненных проблем. Ключ к успешной коммуникации – это знание того, что, как, когда, кому и с какой целью сказать. Моделированные ситуации и ролевые игры определяют ответы на эти вопросы. Постановка цели коммуникации приближает ее к естественному разговору, который всегда заканчивается принятием определенного решения. Очень важно, чтоб проблемы, решаемые коммуникативным путем, были близки учащимся. С помощью игры учащиеся быстрее и эффективнее усваивают грамматический материал и тематическую лексику.

Данная работа предлагает ролевую игру «Классное собрание в 7 в классе». Обсуждаются проблемы дисциплины: 1. Прогулы и опоздания, пропуски уроков. 2. Мобильные телефоны в школе. Собрание избирает председателя, а остальные роли учащиеся распределяют сами. В данной ролевой игре учащиеся закрепляют и отрабатывают грамматические правила и лексические единицы по пройденным темам. 1. Keep in touch: mobile phone, target for thieves, ban, fine, ring and bleep, ring me back, hang around the phone, owners of phones, you can, stay in touch, be safe, organized, send the text massages, SMS. 2. Class debate: debate, chairperson, be polite, respect other people opinion raise your hand, give reasons, discuss, vote for, against the motion. 3. School diplomacy: cut and miss classes, cheat in the test, be late for school, talk during a test.

Two motions: 1. Cutting and missing classes; being late 2. Mobile phones Ход собрания. Meeting 1. Election of the chairperson 2. Word of class master, students and parents 3. Voting, the results of the vote 4. Solutions Rules of the meeting: 1. Raise your hand, when you want to speak 2. Express your opinion and give reasons 3. Be polite 4. Listen to other people

Pupil 1 - I propose D.K., A.M. as the chairperson Cl. m. Voting. Who is for D.K. or for A.M.? 6 votes from 10 for D.K. D.K. is the chairperson. Rules for chairperson: 1. He welcomes the audience, 2. announces the beginning of the debate 3. keeps order, 4. manades the time, 5. leads the voting, 6. counts the votes, 7. announces the results of the vote.

The chairperson – Welcome to class debate. We are here debate 2 motions: 1. Cutting and missing classes and being late. 2. Mobile phones.

1. Cutting and missing classes; being late Ch.p. - Some pupils of our class cut class and be late for school. It means you miss classes during the day or the whole day. When pupils do this, they get in trouble and have lots of problems. Cl. m. – Sometimes the children are ill, but they have neither notes from the parents nor references from the doctor. But they must explaine why they are missing school or why they are late. That’s why they go to the director’s office or to the teacher’s room.

Cl.m. - What problems have you got? Pupil 1 - When we are missing classes, our class mistress asks the note from the parents, she sends us to the strict head mistress, to the teacher’s commission. It’s not very good.

Cl.m. – Andrei, why are you late for school and cut classes? Andrei – I like to go for a walk very much And sometimes I oversleep Cl.m. - I advice you to use an alarm - clock that you weren’t late for school. Cl. m. – Alexei, you were absent some days. You brought the reference neither the doctor, the note nor from the parents. What’s happened?

Alexei – The first time my parents forgot to write the note about my illness. The second time I was ill the last week, but I forgot to bring the reference from the doctor. Cl. m. - If you were ill you should bring the reference from the doctor or the note from your parents, where they were saying why you were absent.

Father - I agree, if the child is ill one week or more he should to bring the reference from the doctor. Mother – If the children ill from one to three days, they can’t bring the reference from the doctor, can they? Cl. m. –Yes, they can, but they should bring a note from the parents, if they are missing classes less 3 days. So the children should explain your problem to the teacher and to use an alarm – clock, that the children didn’t oversleep and cut classes.

If the children absent from one to three days, they bring a note from the parents. If they ill one week or more, they bring the reference from the doctor. 2. The second motion of our meeting: Mobile phones at school Ch. p. Please vote now. If you are agree that the children absent from one to three days, they bring the note from the parents. If they ill one week or more they bring the reference from the doctor. The results of the voting: All 10 votes – for.

Cl. m. – For many schools, mobile phones are a real headache. They are a problem in lessons. Some schools ban mobile phones, other fine the owners of phones that ring or bleep during lessons.

Granny - Kids spend a lot of time and money sending texts to their friends. Granddad – First mobile phone is a target for thieves. Children must turn off mobile phones during the lesson. Mother – A mobile phone is dangerous for health. There is a harmful radiation from it.

Pupil 1 – But I think a mobile phone is good. First we can stay in touch with our friends. Secondly parents can find us very quickly. Pupil 2 – I think mobile phones are useful, because they have different functions. A modern mobile phone allows listening music, photograph and make many over interesting things. Father - A mobile phone is irreplaceable for a modern man. Kids are safer, stopped hanging around by the phone and became more organized.

Ch. p. – Please vote now The result of the voting: 4 votes from 10 – against 6 votes – for mobile phones

1.Children should use an alarm - clock that they didn’t oversleep. 2.The children should explain your problem to the teacher that they didn’t cut classes. 3.If the children ill one week or more, they bring the reference from the doctor. 4.The students should bring a note from the parents, if they absent from one to three days. 5.Mobile phones are useful for children, because they stay in touch with friends and parents. 6.Mobile phones promote a development of children, they became organized. 7.But children must turn off mobile phones during the lessons.

English teacher – Dear children, thank you for your help in the participation in the debate. I hope the discipline will be good in the 7v and you will be more organized. Voting for the solutions of the meeting All votes are for the solutions

Смирнова Капитолина Александровна – учитель английского и французского языка. В 1968 году окончила Ярославский государственный институт филологического факультета отделение истории и иностранного языка Место работы: лицей города Фрязино Разряд: высший Тема по самообразованию Иностранный язык в интегративном образовательном пространстве современной школы. Доклад одноименного названия. Наработки учителя: 1.Проектная работа учащихся с 5 – по 7класс. 2. Творческие работы учащихся. 3. Творческая работа с авторскими стихами на уроках английского языка. 4. Инновационные разработки по английскому языку: А) Курс уроков для 7го класса на тему «Будь в контакте» Б) Курс уроков для 5го класса на тему «Привет. Это я, моя семья, мои друзья» В) Ролевая игра на тему «Классное собрание в 7в» Обсуждение школьных проблем: Опоздания и прогулы, пропуски уроков. Мобильные телефоны в школе.

Награждения: 1.Почетная Грамота Министерства народного образования РСФСР, 2.Почетная Грамота Главного Управления народного образования, 3.Почетная Грамота администрации лицея победителю в конкурсе проектов в номинации «Творческая мастерская учителя», г. 4.Почетная Грамота за многолетний труд и профессионализм.2007 – 2008г. Повышение квалификации: 1.1. Годичные курсы на тему «Иностранный язык в интегративном образовательном пространстве современной школы» 2006 – 2007г. Москва, ГОУ Педагогическая Академия 2. Курсы ПК пользователя компьютером. Лицей г. Фрязино 2007г.