Literary Term Review Use this powerpoint to complete Literary Term Hand Out
What is a canon? (not the large, powerful weapon) The canon is often used to identify the classical and contemporary literature “authorized” by schools and universities as the core of literary study.
What is a genre? A type or category of literary work. The novel, the short story, the play, the lyric poem are all examples of genres.
Story Arc The elements of plot and sequence of events within a story. It includes exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution (or denouement).
Freytag’s Pyramid A diagram of dramatic structure (the structure of a story) which shows complication and tension rising toward the climax and decreasing after to the end of the story. See Next Slide for Sample to Draw
Freytag’s Pyramid
Who is the teller of the story? The “voice” that speaks or tells the story? Narrator The narrator can be from different points of view
What is a static character? A simplified character who does not change or alter his / her personality or beliefs throughout the narrative. Dynamic Characters are the opposite of static characters.
What is a reliable narrator? A narrator (teller of the story) who can be trusted to tell the real version of the story— sticking to reality and not casting judgments.
What is an unreliable narrator? The teller of the story displays characteristics that indicate a lack of creditability. Might provide incomplete or inaccurate information. Might cast judgments of other characters and their actions.
A universal character or symbol that consistently reoccurs through life and literature. For example, “the wise man” or “the bully” or “the hero” or “the rebel” What is this called? Archetype
Protagonist vs. Antagonist Pro = something you’re for ( think pros and cons) Protagonist = “the good guy” the central character of the story Antagonist = think “anti-” against Character who stands in opposition of the main character (“the bad guy”)
What is a character’s MOTIVE? the psychological and moral impulses and external circumstances that cause a character to act, think, or feel a certain way.
What is the official literary term for a struggle or obstacle between opposing forces? EXAMPLE: Protagonist vs. Antagonist CONFLICT These can be INTERNAL or EXTERNAL
All about the author’s attitude… Think Author ? Think TONE! The reflection of the author’s attitude toward his / her subject, characters, and readers. How does the author feel about what he / she is writing? What clues do I have that make me think he / she feels this way? So…What is MOOD about?
Mood is… The atmosphere or feeling the work conveys to the reader. How does this piece of literature make you feel? How does the language in the story create a mood? How did the author make me feel this way?
When two characters act as a CONTRAST to one another… in order to highlight specific character traits of the characters… This is called… FOIL. Rico is a foil to Victor.
What is suspense? Just like in the movies… A state of anxious anticipation, expectation, or uncertainty regarding the resolution of the conflict, the solution of a problem, the outcome of events, or the eventual well-being of the characters.
When the author reveals events that happened before the opening of the novel (the exposition) in order for the reader to better understand the plot… This is called a flashback.
What is foreshadowing? The author gives the reader hints or clues as to what will happen later on in the story.
Allusion A passing reference to a historical or fictional character, place, or event to other works that the writer assumes the reader will recognize.
Figurative Language Terms… To be Continued…