1 1)Bayes’ Theorem 2)MAP, ML Hypothesis 3)Bayes optimal & Naïve Bayes classifiers IES 511 Machine Learning Dr. Türker İnce (Lecture notes by Prof. T. M. Mitchell, Machine Learning course at CMU)
2 Bayesian Learning
3 Bayesian Methods
4 Bayes’ Theorem
5 Choosing Hypotheses
6 Example
7 Basic Formulas for Probabilities
8 Brute Force MAP Hypothesis Learner
9 Bayes Theorem and Concept Learning
10 Bayes Theorem and Concept Learning
11 Evolution of Posterior Probabilities
12 Equivalent MAP learner for Candidate- Elimination Algorithm
13 Learning a real-valued function
14 Maximum Likelihood and Least-Squared Error Hypotheses
15 Maximum Likelihood and Least-Squared Error Hypotheses
16 Learning to Predict Probabilities
17 Minimum Description Length Principle
18 Minimum Description Length Principle
19 Most Probable Classification of New Instances
20 Bayes Optimal Classifier
21 Example
22 Gibbs Classifier
23 Naïve Bayes Classifier
24 Naïve Bayes Classifier
25 Naïve Bayes Algorithm
26 PlayTennis Example
27 Bayesian Belief Networks (Bayes Nets)