Tessa O’Connor
Baby Cradle
The Bauhaus school of art was founded by Walter Groupius to explore the nature of art in the industrial age.
An art movement that emerged in the mid 1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States. [1] Pop art challenged tradition by asserting that an artist's use of the mass-produced visual commodities of popular culture is contiguous with the perspective of fine art.art movementBritainUnited States [1]fine art
Andy Warhol was a pop artist
Op Art is comprised of illusion, and often appears - to the human eye - to be moving or breathing due to its precise, mathematically-based composition.
Op is short for optical. Op art is a about the illusion of movement and the interaction of color, hidden images, flashing & vibrations. Two famous Op artists are Bridget Riley and Victor Vasarely.
Surrealism originated in the late 1910s and early '20s as a literary movement that experimented with a new mode of expression called automatic writing, or automatism, which sought to release the unbridled imagination of the subconscious.
Famous artists are Max Ernst, Joan Miro, and Salvador Dali. Surrealistic art is abstract and psychological. It represents alienation from modern society and also reaching deeply into one’s own mind.